❁ please don't go ❁ chapter 5

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( lets just pause the current time and have a little flash back, because we both definitely need more depression, sounds like great fun huh? now we can hear armin's part of the story, meet you at the bottom! Xx )

flash back timee~

- 5ish hours before you initially woke up without your memories -

(armins pov)

"(Y/N)! no- nono"  i cried, throwing myself in the direction of the blood curdling screams

trees rushing past me in every direction as i used my 3dmg to fly me through the dark woods away from my assigned position, i rapidly searched every bit of my surroundings though it was quite hard as the sun had just set moments before i heard the cries.. feeling my stomach drop at the very sound

(y/n) will be fine- everything's okay, i tried to reassure myself, it didn't help, nothing i could say would ever be capable of helping this

i know that voice.. the voice i've endlessly loved ever since i first met her, the voice i always heard lightly humming to herself as she cleaned, the voice who whispered good night to me every evening.. it could only belong to one person, the person i cherished since the beginning.. (y/n)

minutes felt like hours, my heart was racing i couldn't think straight as the world flew around me until i briefly caught a glimpse of red-


i violently swung my body to the left and ended up hurting myself a bit- though i couldn't care less. i sent my 3dmg in the direction of the blood

th- there's

so much..

the most painful shade of red was smothering nearby trees and appeared to leave a splattering messy trail off along the tall pines facing me. though oddly enough, there were no signs of nearby titans. i recklessly flung myself over as quickly as i could to hopefully see who the trail belonged to

then, my eyes finally met the owner. i froze mid air as my consistent nightmares became reality in a matter of seconds

everything seemed to move in slow motion, my body refused to catch its breath as my heart sank and chills washed over me in burning waves.. there it was, the sight i never wanted to see

(y/n) was sloppily hanging off the side of a large branch in an uncomfortable position, her small frame was covered in blood as she appeared to have been crushed by one of those god forsaken demons.. her (h/c) hair was covering my view from her face as it messily hung off the side of the tree, her blades were swaying in the light breeze as they were still fastened to her waist

the titan must have left her here to suffer after realizing it knocked it's evening snack up just out of reach..

i swiftly landed on the branch almost losing my balance as my legs were refusing to work with me, i slowly knelt down, mere inches away from her motionless body

i couldn't breathe, warm tears now rushing down my face as i stared at (y/n) in disbelief, my heart threatened to burst and my body went numb. i reluctantly reached my hand out towards her only to freeze up at the thought of our situation

no.. no nono- this isn't happening.

this isn't happening

i could feel my hands trembling as i gently lifted her top half up to face me in hopes of the damage not being as much as my nightmares told me dozens of times before

her entire body was stained with splattering crimson including her soft features, her face was gently resting almost as if she was just taking an afternoon nap.. my heart abruptly skipping a beat once i realized she was still breathing

false sense of hope (armin arlert x reader) complete ☆Where stories live. Discover now