HQ, Squads and Border

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When it finally came the day that I was to go to Border's HQ, I hid behind Yuma in my C-Rank attire. When we got in, I immdiatly jogged to the room so other wouldn't be able to look at me. And when we got there, Jin, Yuma, Osamu and Chika went in to come face-to-face with those same 6 men again. I trembled and held onto the sleeve of Yuma's B-Rank Trion form like it was the only thing saving me and I couldn't live without it. "Well, as I have said before: Kirino Matsukaze is in thr Tamakoma Branch's custody. I have also heard that you joined Tamakoma Branch, right?" He looked at me and I felt intense fear and nodded, tears threatning to spill out.

"I approve of Matsukaze's enrollment into Border as long as she follows the Border rules and doesn't cause Hiatus and Chaos." He announced, I was surprised and loosened my grip on Yuma. "Thank you, Kido-san! And if you don't mind we'll be lea-" But Kido cut him off, "Will she be a part of a team or solo?" I thought for a while before I answered, "I think I'll go with solo please." Kido nodded and allowed us to be dissmissed and I dashed to the door and flung it open. But Chika managed to hold my hand and reassure me, I nodded and slowed my breathing, then, Chika, Osamu and Yuma lead me around the HQ, since Jin couldn't come with us since he had work ot take care of. "This is the place where you can challenge others in mock battles, this is the vending machine and plac where you can observe others' mock battles, that room we were in was the meeting room for the 6 leaders, Chief Rindo included. And that is probably it since there- oh wait! There's also the rooms for the teams in HQ. Including Miwa Unit. Kazama Unit, Tachikawa Unit and more! And the rest is just hallways though. Do you get it now?" Chika asked as she directed, I nodded and then in the corner of my eye... "Na-cchi?" I asked, 

She turned around and hugged me, "My little Kiri I'm so glad you're okkkkkkk!!!!" She nuzzeled me, I nodded, "Thanks for worrying, Na-cchi." Then we were approached by a spiky haired guy, then I immediatly recognized him. "This is Yoneya Yosuke-senpai, he's part of Miwa Unit." Osamu introduced, "Oh! You're the black girl that we saw!" He pointed at me, I nodded and bowed, "...Very nice to meet you." I greeted, in a cold voice. "Loosen up! I'm going to do anything don't worry!" He reassured. Then we saw another guy coming to join the conversation "I'm Kohei Izumi, part of Tachikawa Unit and No.1 Gunner, nice to meet you." I nodded, "...Same here." I replied, "Anyways, Who're you?" Kohei asked, "She's the black attired neighbour girl I told you about, Kohei!" Yosuke answered, "Uhhhh... but what's your name I don't wanna keep calling you black attired girl forever!" I glanced suspiciously but answered anyways, "...Kirino Matsukaze." Then I saw ANOTHER guy coming, but around just in Jr High. "Oh! Hi! I'm Midorikawa Shun! Nice to meet you, Kirino!" I nodded, "...Hello."

After a while of chatting, I slowly loosened up a bit and got comfortable with the three guys. And sometimes they would make me laugh. When there were 2 more people who came up, I managed to loosen up, "Kohei! Yoneya! Who're you talking to? Oh! Hi Four-eyes! Chika!" The taller man with grey hair waved, Yoneya waved and Kohei introduced me, "Kirino Matsukaze. she's the neighour that Yoneya talked about, you saw her too, right Miwa?" The shorter balck-haired male grunted in response, 'Rude much.' Koro thought, "I agree." I muttered, but Kohei caught me, "Agree to what." I was surprisedhe could hear, "Nandemonai. (Nothing)" I looked away. "Oooookkkkk?" He confirmed in a confused manner

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