I. Am. Screwed.

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I was on the rooftop seeing the sun rise while drinking hott coco as Yuma came up to the roof. "Yo." I playfully waved, Yuma waved back and then sa ne he me, both of our feet dangling on the edge. "Hey, that was me, right?" I spitted the hot coco. "What do you mean?" I asked while choking. "That truth last night, about your crush." I thought, 'I'msoscrewedI'msoscrewed!' I thought while panicking, "How did you know?" I tried not to stutter, "The Why You. Why is also similar o he leer Y in pronunciation, You is also like the letter U. I'm the only one, other then my dad, who was in the room at the time and had those initials." He stated as-a-matter-of-factly. "Yeah, so what?" I pouted, looking away. But Yuma just let it be, 'Oh Screw That!'- I thought embarassingly about what I'm about to do, I leaned over and pecked him on the cheek, while blushing furiously and looking away. Yuma was still processing but I saw a tint of pink on this cheeks. I giggled, "Caught off guard, eh? Fluffy Human Ice Pack." Yuma pouted "Does that even make me a living being?" While looking at me, I leaned over and put my head on his shoulder while dozing off.

Third Person's PoV

Unbenknowist to Kirino, Yuma brought out Replica to ask him a question. "Replica, once when I was leaning on Kirino's shoulder and pretended to be asleep, but I actually managed to sleep, why is that?" Replica thought for a moment. "It's because you were in peace, without any worries and you managed to relax, and only keep the good thoughts. But that is extremely difficult." Yuma looked over to see a peacefully sleeping Kirino. Yuma smiled, "...Or it might be because you're time is almost up." Replica added, Yuma's face turned into a serious frown, "I see..." He trailed off. "Shiro...Mirai...Satou..." Kirino muttered while her eyes were dripping tears, "Shiro, don't leave me here..." Replica looked at the crying girl. "Mirai... won't ...get....hurt...by...them...anymore..." Kirino muttered before falling back to silence, "Mirai? I've kinda heard that name before." Yuma remembered, "Hatohara Mirai, a former member of Border that smuggled Triggers to the Neighbour world, currently missing in action." Replica confirmed. 

"Hey, Kirino. We have to ask you something, wake up." Yuma started nudging Kirino. And when he has had it and his paitence is low. He took his hands and slid them up Kirino's T-Shirt. "HOOOOOLLLLLLYYYYY-!!!!!" Kirino jolted up. "You perv! Why'd you slide you cold hands up my back?!" Kirino screamed at Yuma. He was surprised. "Never knew it would actually work."

Back to Kirino's PoV 

"Don't do that ever again Yumabaka!" I shouted pointing at him accusingly. "Yumabaka? That hurt." Yuma smiled, teasingly. "And... just... don't tell anyone about this, not even Shiori. Got that? She'll go spreading rumors!" I sighed, Yuma nodded while duckfacing, "But I see you hardly ever show any emotions, it's either your duckface or your plain deadpan face. Why's that?" Yuma was shocked a little like he's never realized, "I-I don't know, maybe it's just my resting face..." He replied, looking away. I smiled, and pecked him on the forehead and bounced to the door and went down. 

Yuma's PoV

I put a hand on my cheek. Warm. That was what I thought. Then on my forehead and I smiled unconsiously. "Kiribaka." 

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