My Mom and My Best friend are Matchmakers Part 1/5

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A/N: Photo credits to Kayla5H, Let's go.

"Are you sure about this Aunt Sinu?" Dinah said as she types in her keyboard. "Mila will kill me" The Polynesian added.

"The only thing that you're doing wrong is calling me Aunt" Sinu glared at Dinah. "I will kill you right now if you don't do what I say" Sinu threatened still glaring at Dinah.

"The nerve!" Dinah exclaimed with wide eyes.

The two women are currently in Dinah's office in front of a computer trying to open Camila's dating account which is haven't open for seven years.

"Maybe the site is already dead, it's been seven fuckin' years ago when we created this account" Dinah whined typing the website in the search bar.

"If the site is dead, you'll be dead remember that" Sinu threatened her daughter's best friend.

"Why do you keep threatening me woman?" Dinah rolled her eyes.

"That account is the reason Lauren met Camila seven years ago, now my precious daughter is single for three years straight and-" Sinu explained.

"Told you it's already a dead site" Dinah cuts leaning on her office chair.

"What?!" Sinu exclaimed not believing Dinah.

"See for yourself" Dinah said as she turns the monitor for Sinu to look at.

"What are we going to do now?" Sinu asked. She's worried about her daughter's future, what if she stays single for the rest of her life.

"Nothing" Dinah said with bluntness.

"No, no we have to do something. I'm getting old I want to see my daughter to get married and to see my grandchildren before my last breath" Sinu pacing back and forth.

"You are so dramatic Aunt Sinu" Dinah laughed.

"This is not a laughing matter Dinah!" Sinu stops pacing. "We have to set her on a date?" She added not giving up.

"You're crazy" Dinah can't believe what Sinu is planning, Dinah thinks for a moment before speaking again. "Okay, I'll agree with you. Who are we going to set up her on a date?" She asked to the old woman. Her best friend has been single for three years after Lauren decided to pursue her career in France, after that Camila drowned herself in her work not having a time for herself and she feel bad for her best friend.

"Who's going on a date?" Camila suddenly burst into Dinah's office. "Why are you here Mami?" Camila added surprised seeing her mom in Dinah's office, while the two was like a deer caught in the headlights. They are now thinking for a good explanation to lie.

"Ohh, Normani's friend is looking for a date" Dinah lamely reason out as she closes her monitor quickly, hoping Camila would fall for it.

"Ah.. I'm sorry I don't know anyone" Luckily Camila fell into their trap. "What are you doing here Mom?" Now Camila's attention is on her mother.

"That, I was here because" Camila lift her left brow waiting for her mother's answer.

"Be-because Mom asked Aunt Sinu to give me this, this" Dinah nervously butted in holding a box of chocolates who originally is from Normani.

Nice one Dinah Jane Sinu thought while looking at Dinah who release a nervous laugh.

"Okay" Camila totally fell for it. "I'm here to remind you that we are going to meet with new clients in thirty minutes" Camila reminded not feeling the tension in the room.

"Right, right" Dinah nodded pretending everything is alright.

"Ready to go mom?" Camila asked offering her hand to her mother which Sinu gladly took. The mother and daughter walk towards the door, Sinu was the last one to close the door before she could do that, she looks at Dinah who is leaning on her office chair, she smirks at Dinah. Dinah look at her crazy Aunt like I just saved your ass old woman.