My Mom and My Best friend are Matchmakers Part 3/5

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A/N: Okay photo credits to the rightful owner. I am back again.

After touring around in the company Lauren ask Dinah to gather her team and decided to discussed the project with them.

"So I think all of you already know who is Lauren Jauregui" Dinah said to the art team making them nodding, they are in one of the meeting room, Lauren just smiles at her new found team.

"I'm going to leave you Lauser, I have to attend some meeting" Dinah diverted her gaze to Lauren. "Are you going to be alright?" Dinah added.

"Sure, I'm fine don't worry about it" Lauren assured smiling at Dinah.

"I'm gonna leave you guys, treat Lauren nice" Dinah said to the art department. "If they give you headaches tell me, I'm gonna give them some polybeat down" Dinah looking at Lauren and causing the team to laugh, Dinah give them playful glares before exiting the room.

"So guys, I'm Lauren Jauregui" She smiled clasping her both hands. "Please introduce yourself to me, we are going to work together for a month" She added.

"I'm Janelle Monae, I'm the team leader for this group and I'm a graphic designer" Janelle introduced herself.

"This is Hayley our illustrator" Hayley smiled.

"Eli our photographer" The boy with red curls waved.

"Daniel also a graphic designer" He shook Lauren's hand. "I'm a fan" he said smiling which Lauren reciprocate.

"That's Madison and Billie the animators" both girls wave their hands.

"And finally Russ our intern" Janelle now done introducing them.

"Wow this is the real team" Lauren amused that the team is complete with the positions. "I'm glad to meet all of you!" She added.

"I gather all you here to discuss the project, I only have a month before flying back to France so we have to this project accordingly" Lauren started giving Janelle folders containing the details about the project distributing it to her team.

"It says here we have to make a theme, video promotion and design for the container and packaging" Lauren said as she read the files and writing on the glass board that the room provided.

"I have to see first the container and packaging" Lauren said still writing their agendas on the board. "Guys, breathe I don't bite" Lauren joked turning to face her team, she have to break the silence filling the room.

"Sorry did I pressure you guys?" Lauren asked, well she is pressured because she is working in her ex's company and she doesn't want to disappoint the other Cuban. "Do I have to call Dinah to give you guys her famous polybeat down" She joked, now the air filling the room is at ease, She's glad that the team is now laughing.

"We actually like you Ms. Lauren" Janelle said looking at her new boss. "Right guys?" Turning around looking at her team.

"Yeah we actually do" Hayley agreed her other team nodded, they actually like Lauren as their new boss.

"How can you say so?" Lauren challenged not believing what they are saying.

"Your personality is in between" Billie said making Lauren to raise her brow.

"Your mix between Ms. Dinah's and Ms. Camila's personality, Ms. Dinah is like the joker boss, she makes everyone laugh in the office and she plays around the office, while Ms. Camila is the typical boss, she's the strict one and the serious one, we like her really but she's like no life, she work her ass off really hard." Billie explained.