My Mom and My Best friend are Matchmakers Part 5/5

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A/N: Now thats the look of love (such a delusional) credits to the person who made that GIF. This is the last, I promise.

They finish their dinner and now they are just chatting, Lauren and Camila sat beside to each other.

"What about you Lauren? dating anyone?" One of the caretakers asked. Lauren is drinking her water, she stops when she heard the question, she placed her glass on the table. Now everyone's attention on her including Camila.

"I'm single" Lauren announced.

"Why don't you date her? she is single too" Evelyn said referring to Camila, which made Camila's eyes to go wide, this is awkward Lauren just release a nervous laugh.

"Uhm... I think that's a bad idea" Lauren nervously trying not to look at Camila, she doesn't know if she answered that right knowing that Camila hates her. While Camila just took her glass and sip the content of it, her heart sinks by that comment.

"I think so too" Camila said giving them a fake smile.

Their chat continued until it's time to wash the dishes, Evelyn insisted that Lauren and Camila should rest now but Lauren insisted helping them, Camila said thanks to everyone and headed to their room.

Lauren entered the room and saw Camila laying on the left side of the bed while reading a book not bothering to look up to find who just entered. Lauren headed to bathroom to brush her teeth, when she is done she walks towards the table and sat on the chair her back facing Camila. I just have to ignore her and it will be good Lauren thought.

While on the other hand Camila watches Lauren sketching on her pad continuing to design. Is she not going to rest? Camila thought before continuing reading her book.

Silence. The only thing they hear is the sound of pencil sketching and flipping of the paper whenever Lauren going to need another paper to sketch.

Camila decided to sleep. She places her book on the bedside table and turn her lamp off, she turns her back on Lauren and close her eyes trying to sleep but knowing Lauren is in the same room as her she can't sleep. After a while Lauren closed her sketch pad and stood up making her way to the bed, knowing that Camila is already asleep she picks up her pillow and turn the lamp off and placing the pillow on the floor beside the bed. Lauren decided to sleep on the floor knowing that Camila don't want to share the bed with her, she lays on the cold floor. Silence. What the fuck is she doing? Camila thought trying to ignore Lauren, now knowing Lauren is on the floor and when she knows Lauren cannot see her she faced the ceiling thinking about the green eyed woman.

After fifteen minutes the two pair of eyes are still open, spacing out thinking about each other. The rain started to pour again and decided to bring thunder and lightning with them, with an open curtains the light illuminates the room following the sound of thunder.

Camila is scared and hates thunders, she only love a thunder her dog, she cannot sleep if she is not holding someone and she is now thinking what to do not wanting to the wake the green eyed who she thought is sleeping. Lauren is worried about Camila hearing that the brown eyed girl tossing and turning on the bed feeling the uneasiness of the other girl. Lauren wants to hold the younger girl but she can't do it. What do I do? Of course hold her, No it's a bad idea Lauren debated on her mind. So, the skies decided for her and release a bright lighting followed by the loud boom of thunder making the younger girl shriek, with that Lauren immediately grab her pillow and lay on the bed and hold the shaking Camila.

"I'm here don't worry" Lauren whispered hugging Camila and trying to soothe her. It took a while before Camila to relax.

"I'm sorry, I woke you up" Camila apologized her face still in the crook of Lauren's neck.