My Mom and My Best friend are Matchmakers Part 2/5

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A/N: Congratulations for surviving the first part. Photo not mine credits to the rightful owner. Okay. Happy reading (I hope so).

Lauren is sitting on one of the benches inside the museum, appreciating the artworks displayed, looking at the people who also appreciate art. Not a lot of people appreciate the art itself, they didn't know art is scattered everywhere, art can be expressed to music, painting, cooking, all you can name but only a few can understand art itself.

"Are you Lauren Jauregui?" The girl asked as she sat beside Lauren. Lauren nodded smiling.

"I love your works!" The girl exclaimed.

"Ohh... thank you" Lauren smiled seeing someone who appreciate her artworks is like seeing her own kind.

"I love your first painting; I saw it when we had a trip to France. It was a sad painting for me, most people find it about happiness because the colors are bright, the background is about celebration and the woman there is smiling but I find sadness on those woman's smile in your painting and those eyes, I don't know but I felt the sadness" Lauren is stunned that someone a stranger would give her that interpretation of her painting. Only few would understand her paintings.

"Wow thank you" Lauren smiling "Let me guess, you're a painter?" Lauren guessed.

"Hm... not yet I hope someday" The girl answered.

"You will, with that kind of mind, your mind will bring you far" Lauren said patted the girl's back.

"Because you're my Idol" The girl grinned. "By the way I'm Bea, Bea Miller" Bea introduced herself to Lauren offering a handshake which Lauren gladly shook.

"So what do you do?" Lauren asked.

"I'm in my 3rd year in College majoring in Art at the University of Miami" Bea answered. "You want to see my art? a lot of people say that my works are complicated, hard to read" Bea said sadly.

"I would love to, I'm sure those people don't really appreciate art" Lauren said making Bea happy.

Bea showed her works to Lauren, from paintings to digital designs to sketching to drawings, in Lauren's mind this kid will bring herself to the top with her talent. They talk for a while sharing their experiences about art and other things.

"Give me your number" Lauren said confusing Bea why would Lauren be needing her number ignoring the thought Bea gave her number to Lauren who type the numbers on her phone. "Here is my calling card" Lauren giving Bea a calling card of her.

"What is this for?" Bea asks confused looking at the calling card and to Lauren.

"I know some art company, so if you need to have an internship or I have an offer for you, we can call each other" Lauren smiled.

"That's great! Thank you very much!" Bea hug Lauren making the older girl surprised.

"We have to bid our good byes for now" Lauren broke their embrace "I have to go" Lauren added standing up.

"See you Ms. Lauren and Thank you" Bea who also stood up hugging Lauren for the last time.

"Bye Bea" Lauren said as she turns around and started walking towards the exit.


It's been five days since Lauren got back to Miami and ever since she didn't have a good sleep, since she got back to Miami a certain brown eyed girl is always in her thoughts keeping her from having a peaceful night.

I hope you're doing fine and you keep your health in good shape. I hope you don't skip your meals and I wish you are happy whenever you are. Lauren thought laying on her bed. She's very much still in love with Camila and she's afraid that Camila already moved on. A ringing sound from her phone causing her to stop from her thoughts.