My Mom and My Best friend are Matchmakers Part 4/5

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A/N: Again and again. Photo credits to rightful owner.

It's been three days since the failed presentation, she found that day that Dinah is trying to contact her so, she texted Dinah that very same day that she is going to do the theme alone and she will show it to them whenever she is done. From that moment until now she didn't receive any text from the Polynesian.

"Are they going to approve this time?" Lauren asked as she sign on the very right bottom of the canvas.

"Of course Ms. Lauren!" Bea exclaimed looking at the canvas. Lauren decided to invite Bea on her art studio just inside her Family house.

"What do you think?" Lauren asked turning her head to look at Bea, she knows that kid is artistic and can interpret her arts that's why she invited the kid to consult with her.

"All I can see is love" Bea stated short. "Are you sure you're not giving it to your girlfriend?" Bea teased.

"Of course not" Lauren laughed. She didn't tell Bea the whole story. "Is this okay for a theme of a cosmetic product?" Lauren ask hesitantly.

"Yes, even though I can all see is love" Bea said pointing at the painting. "You said it's a cosmetic product for all gender and ages, well love is for everyone" Bea stated.

"You are fucking an art genius" Lauren lifting her hand to high five the younger one.

They chatted while waiting for the canvas to go dry completely. Once the canvas is dry Lauren wrapped it with kraft paper. They are now heading to Bea's dorm, Lauren decided to drop Bea on her dorm before heading to her ex's lover company.

"Thanks Ms. Lauren" Bea said getting off the car. "Your bosses will like it, I can tell" Bea added not closing the car door, it made Lauren smile.

"Thank you Bea for today" Lauren thank the kid, Bea smile at her before shutting the car door. Lauren honk before driving off.

Lauren decided to stop by the cafe near the company, she ordered and sat by the window placing the canvas on the chair beside her. She pull out a pen and a piece of paper from her messenger bag and write a letter.


I'm giving this to you because you are the only one who holds the answer to this and I don't know what will your answer be. I'm stepping down as your design production leader and we all know that is for good. If you decided to use this as your theme I'm giving all my rights to your company.



Lauren folded the letter and slip it between the gap of the wrapper, she stood up and leave the cafe.

"Hi Ms. Jauregui" Hailee greeted. "Is there anything I can help you with?" Hailee asked.

"Is Ms. Cabello in her office?" Lauren asked nervously as she prayed that her ex is not in her office.

"I'm sorry Ms. Jauregui she is in meeting right now; would you like me to tell her that you are here?" Hailee said making Lauren relieved.

"Oh no, It's fine" Lauren smiled. "Can you do me a favor? Can you give this to her" Lauren said giving the canvas over to Hailee, which Hailee gladly took.

"Would you like to wait for her? Her meeting will end in ten minutes" Hailee offered.

"No, it's okay I have an appointment to go to" Lauren easily lied, she doesn't really have an appointment she just doesn't want to meet her ex right now.

"I assure I'll give it to her' Hailee smiled.

"Thank you" Lauren said which Hailee welcomed. With that Lauren walk towards the elevator and exit the building.