Prologue and Chapter 1

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Between the time when dragons terrorized the lands and the rise of the children of Ylisse, there was an age undreamed of. And unto this, Kurio Gouka, destined to wield the rank of Khan upon a troubled brow. It is I, his chronicler, who alone can tell thee of his saga. Let me tell you the days of high adventure!

Chapter I: The Pact In War

Kurio Gouka, a name both feared and respected in the mercenary line of work. As a sell-sword, he was kind to others and cruel to his enemies. 25 years of experienced swordplay, hand to hand combat, and weapon mastery, all trained by his father, the guildmaster of the Black Flame Demons Mercenary Guild. He was a force of nature, almost as talented as his old man. One day he was walking amongst his father’s guild campsite when he overheard some of the men talking.

“Did ya hear the news? Plegia and Regna Ferox are at each others throats once again.”

“I also heard that Guildmaster Leinkai is gonna try and join in the fight. Taking us along may be what the Feroxians need.”

Kurio rushes into his father’s strategy tent, where his father, Leinkai Gouka, and Kurio’s older brother, Lyone Gouka, are talking about an attack strategy. Kurio and Lyone got along as well as most brothers do: Constantly trying to one-up the other. Lyone sported a light blue hair color from their mother with white armor, and Kurio had vibrant blood-red hair from their father wearing black armor. Complete opposites, but still brothers of blood. Kurio approaches them with a serious expression on his face.

“Father, is it true what the men say? About us joining the Feroxians in the war against Plegia?” said Kurio.

“Of course we’re joining the wareffort, you simpleton...” said Lyone with a snide tone.

“Shut the fuck up, Lyone, I wasn’t asking you!”

“Boys! That’s enough!” boomed Leinkai. “To answer your question Kurio, yes, Regna Ferox has indeed hired us for the war against Plegia. Thankfully, we’ll be ready for them this time.”

Leinkai sighs, slightly annoyed because his sons refuse to get along. Mostly because Lyone provokes Kurio to arguments. Lyone was much crueler, going as far as killing children, burning homes with families tied up inside, and even sexually assaulting women, with Kurio stopping him, or saving others from his horrible older brother’s torment. Leinkai knew one day he will die, and they will start to kill each other. He shakes his head as he watches his men prepare for evacuation and for war. The mercenaries, both men and women in the guild, were strong enough to compare to the nephilim of old. It was time to move out!

As the soldiers of the guild, brothers and sisters in arms and armor, trudged through the muddy landscape of Plegian territory, the massive thunderstorm beating them down, a certain amount of gloom filled the air. Kurio could feel it, but didn’t bother to speak a word, knowing that this was probably just the calm before the real storm. But he knew something wasn’t right… almost as if his gut was telling him to tell everyone to turn back. Suddenly, the sound of a Plegian war horn filled the air, everyone immediately on high alert, wondering which place they were coming from. Kurio was ready for anything! Or so he initially thought… Suddenly, the members of the guild started falling left and right, a single arrow piercing them! He turned to yell but was greeted by a stabbing pain in his stomach. When he looked down, and then up, the one wielding the knife in his stomach was Lyone, a sadistic and murderously gleeful grin on his face. He looked over to see that their father never saw it coming as well, face first in the mud, dead.

“Why, Lyone… Why did you betray your family?” Kurio asked with blood coming from his mouth.

“Simple… I hate you.” sneered Lyone. “You were always father’s favorite. Getting all the attention, all the praise… You deserve a worse death than this. But Lord Validar said, ‘no survivors, or you get nothing’. As for father, he knew it was coming. He begged me to spare you, but I gave him false hope. Farewell… ‘Brother’” He pulled the knife out, the paralyzing agent working it’s magic. As Kurio started to bleed to death, he heard a woman’s voice.

“Kurio Gouka, you will not die this day.”

“What? Who’s there?! Where are you?!” Kurio asked, panicking.

“I am known as the void goddess, Zeta. I’m willing to offer you power, but at a price.”

“Name it."

“You will become a demon, a demon prince to be exact. And you shall forever travel as a mercenary, helping any who need help.”

“I must… avenge my father, my guild, my family!”

“You will be able to do that. On the conditions that you obey me faithfully.” Just then a beautiful woman appeared from a dark portal before him. She certainly had the body of a goddess. With the last of his mortal strength, he nodded.

“Very well. This burden I will gladly bear, this power I accept!” Kurio said. The woman held out her hand and spoke.

“Demon of Black Flame, come to my aid! Rise from the depths of the 8th level of Hell! Rise and become my loyal demonic servant!”

He felt his body start to burn as it soon fades, his body engulfing in a black as night fire. Soon a pillar of black flames shoots into the skies like a cannon, any within the vicinity could see it. The massacre grounds, soon becoming the summoning grounds of a great and awful power. This is the start of the journey of revenge, slaughter, and betrayal.

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