Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

A Meeting with a Goddess

Kurio awoke in a dark space, on what seemed to be nothing but air. He sat up with a grunt of pain as he looks around, his body aching from the transformation. He looks around at the void-like space before him. He looks down, his wound was completely healed! But how was that possible? Is he dead? Is this Hell, or is it purgatory? His thoughts ran through his head when he feels a presence; intimidating, yet loving at the same time. He turns around to see the woman from before.

“Welcome, my darling demon.~” She cooed with a smile.

“You again… so it wasn’t a dream...” He muttered to himself.

“Oh, I’m very real, my sweet Kurio.”

“I need answers. Where am I? Why am I still alive? And why was I saved instead of my brother being smote?!”

“My, my… so many questions and not even a ‘thank you, my darling Goddess’? You’re so cruel Kurio...” She feigned hurt in a teasing way. She clearly was messing with him, but he was no jester for a goddess’ amusement. He lunged in anger, but was stopped by an unseen force. She giggled like a sadistic schoolgirl as she encircled him.

“You dare strike a goddess? The very goddess that saved you from death’s grasp? Naughty boy.~” She gets close to him and licks his cheek. She moaned sensually into the lick as he blushes with a sneer. “Such a scary face.~ I truly chose the right warrior. You have no fear, of the divine or otherwise. Tell me, my dear, what are your thoughts on your god?”

“If God is so merciful, then why is my whole family dead?!” He growls with disdain and disgust.

“Because I’m bored of all the happiness… Time to spread some vengeance. Goddesses get bored too, you know.” she playfully pouts at him. Kurio was unsure why but he feels an odd attraction to her. Not one of lust, but one of more than that. He shakes his head and calms down, put down by the sadist goddess

"Your first task will be taking down a bounty hunter, by the name of Mica, who has been giving my followers a fair share of grief." Zeta said, filing her nails.

"And this helps me with my revenge, how?" He asks, crossing his arms in impatience and doubt.

"Do as I command, and you get to live. That was our deal, was it not? 'I'll do anything to get vengeance, just name it' were your exact words, boy. You don't have a choice here."

As much as he hated to admit it, she was right. He wanted to make Lyone pay for what he did, and in order to do that, he had to comply. He nods without another word as he's transported back to the world of the living. He grips his blade handle and starts on his journey for a new life ahead of him.

"This is gonna be a pain in the ass..." He groaned as he walked on. He didn't even know where to start. Bounty hunters and mercenaries were alike in many ways, but bounty hunters didn't care what happened to the innocent, as long as they got paid. Whereas with mercenaries, they're much more tame. They try to create as little casualties as possible, mostly because it came out of their pay. But the biggest similarity is that they are constantly moving, making it almost impossible to hunt them down. He decides to go to the nearest town to search for this... Mica...

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