What if everything you believe is a lie? What if Jesus (or what ever god you believe exists) never even existed? What if everyone was damned to eternal torment, before they were even born, without a chance of escape? It's true, I've lived with the r...
I'm creating several smaller articles, which are a part of a whole. In this article, I'll continue discussing how the numbers in the genealogies of genesis are related to Hebrew timekeeping and calendars. I work hard and spend a lot of time on all my work. I know no one has come close to finding what I have on the subject. I retain all rights to my work, and do not give permission for anyone to use it without my consent. If you want to share it, you can provide the link (www.linkedin.com/in/eddie-conley-a1b47113b) to my LinkedIn account. I have many articles there, and add more often. My contact information is at the end.
What's thought by many to be the genealogy of the first human beings is something you can't fathom. My ultimate goal is to prove the belief in a loving, forgiving god is a lie. That everyone who has existed, exists, or will exist, was damned to eternal torment before they were even born. Proving it may or may not require much effort before you die. It will be EFFORTLESS afterwards. Your opinion on the matter is of no consequence to me, don't feel obligated to agree. It doesn't change the validity of my findings.
A lunisolar calendar is a calendar in many cultures whose date indicates both the Moon phase and the time of the solar year. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lunisolar_calendar
I'll begin this section with some equations. Notice the chart below. The sum of the top (yellow group is 11758. The sum of the third column is 11926, if Jacob is excluded.
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In the 687 year / 8497 lunation cycle, there are a combination of 11 and 19 year cycles. The 687 year / 8497 lunation cycle is a combination of the 11 year / 136 lunation cycle and 19 year / 235 lunation cycle.
29.501 days * (19 years ÷ 235 lunations) = 2.3852 = (11 years ÷ 136 lunations) * 29.501 days
The recurrence period for the Jewish calendar is vastly longer: 689,472 years, or 36,288 cycles of 19 years. Any days of the same date this many years apart will always be 251,827,457 days or exactly 35,975,351 weeks apart, so any two dates separated by this number of years must fall on the same day of the week.'