author note // read before reading

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Before we get started on this story please I want you all to note something's:

: This story is very oddly written. I have a strange way of writing and I'm unsure how to label it. It's very metaphorical and lacks detail, a lot of what I type is how it pops up in my head, thus it's messy.

: This book has no graphic scenes, any violence or sexual content is briefly and flowery mentioned. However know that this story is not light hearted.
As a whole it's dark and still covers dark topics such as Depression, Self Harm, Homophobia, Child abuse, Breaking the Law, Drugs and Alcohol, and general teenager rebellion.
Again, nothing is detailed but they are mentioned and implied.

: I'm not a strong writer, never have been. Please don't be too harsh on me, I am trying and have too many ideas to not attempt to write down.

: All characters will be OOC, I've tried to use the boys actual personalities but for the topics it's hard. Most of their reactions is based on my own experiences and emotions.

: The town this story takes place is is fictional, but based off my own small town in America.

: If you have any questions feel free to ask me!


edit: 07/01/20

this story has a playlist on Spotify!
just hit the link in the comment tagged for here!

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