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a white flower amongst a field of lavender.

that's what he was, he was the black sheep, the outcasted, the odd one out.

it just took him too long to figure that out, it took 18 years for him to figure it out.

it hadn't been his life, his parents ideals or their plastic mold that he was supposed to form to.

that fake mask he'd plastered on to his face, the one that replaced his bones with twigs and strings for them to pull at and play house.

all gone.

it took years of beatings and a boy who dyed his hair too much.

sitting on Sehyoons bed, overwhelmed by the smell of the older and his warmth, he felt... weightless.

for the first time he felt weightless.

Sehyoon for his part helped a lot, between shoving fast food and long movies into his face every two hours and constantly being his hand, Byeongkwan genuinely felt fine.

His bruised heart would heal, maybe it would scared but we all have them right?

He'd be okay for once.

"I want to drop out."



"did I stutter?"


"Well, hello Mr. Highschool graduate, happy you finished?"

"Oh shut up. know it all..."

"okay, okay! what about New York?"

"you would pick the loudest city wouldn't you..."

"rude. okay, so nothing too loud...Texas? yeehaw?"

"you say that word again I'm gonna dump you at the junkyard."

"wait...Texas or Yeeh-no! W-Wait Sehyoon put me down! ack! I won't s-say it again! Sehyoon!"

"I got it!"

"hm, got what?"

"where we can move to! it's perfect, has decent jobs and a nice environment!"

"okay, where do you have in mind kid?"



"Oh come on Sehyoon! please?"

"... fine. Seattle isn't that bad..."

"Yes! Thank you!"

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