Harry's Magic

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Disclaimer- I am not jk rowling and am not a billionaire so I don't own Harry Potter just the dumb stories I imagine and write down.

Bold and italic - writers comments.

bold and underlined - setting and time stamps.

Surrey, privet drive.

Harry's pov

It was so cold. Too cold. My body shook and I couldn't fell my hands or anything really. I'm not gonna survive this. I shivered and frost crawled up my fingers. My fingernails turned pure white and my head started to hurt.


I've accepted it. I tried to relax and slowly stopped shivering. I laid there staring at nothing. A car rumbled to a stop out front of the house. For a second I had hope. But I knew it was worthless. By now at least 3 inches of snow-covered most of my body and frost crawled further up my arms oddly weaving intricate snowflake patterns. 


I closed my eyes as time passed. I thought about how my life had turned out and all the regret. All the test I purposely failed just so I didn't beat Dudley and upset uncle Vernon, all the people Dudley beat up just because they talked to me, the freak. My teachers once told me that I would go places, that on the first day she could already see I was very smart. I had hope for a while but I knew I wouldn't live that long. So I stopped. I stopped trying to talk to others, stopped trying in school, stopped hoping for more. 


I flinched. Warmth spread through my body. My hair fell into my eyes. It was white with a slight blue tint. What was going on? I looked down at my hands, the snowflake pattern was still there and my nails were purely white. around me, the wind picked up and the snow started to fall harder. But I wasn't cold, in fact, the snow felt comforting and warm like it was giving me a hug. As the hours passed and with my mind no longer numbed by the cold I began to think. Uncle Vernon did this to me, he failed me. Aunt Petunia didn't notice and ignored what Uncle Vernon did, she failed me. Dudley bullied me, drove away all that even talked to me. He failed me. My teacher knew how smart I was, and she did nothing, said nothing when it should have been obvious I was purposely failing. Miss fig the neighbor failed me, she saw once, the marks on my back, saw how quickly I scoffed down the food she gave me. the school nurse and that policeman said they'd fix it. I had spilled my soul, told them everything and they did nothing, the next day they acted like they didn't even know who I was. they all failed me.

nobodies pov

"Never again," Harry thought viciously. As harry thought this, the soft shavings of ice fluttering down from the sky grow to form chunks of ice that assaulted the landscape. The clouds whipped and contorted, dancing to the slowly building rage of the 6-year-old. hail mercilessly pelted everything in sight except Harry. The ice bent and floated itself out of the way. At this moment harry decided. He would leave. He would do better on his own. In that moment of self-righteousness and high emotion Harry felt the warmth from before spreading all the way from his fingertips to his toes, spreading through his limbs and wrapping him in safety. Then Harry faded in a flicker of wind, snow, and ice, Harry vanished. 

Hogwarts, Headmasters office.

Dumbledore sat calmly behind his desk. around him, several silver objects were puffing bright red smoke. Usually, the devices puffed blue-tinted smoke signaling that Harry was sad but uninjured and not in danger. The red smoke that should concern the headmaster as it represented intense pain and sadness puffed away as he smiled. "everything is going perfect" the headmaster mussed. Soon Harry would turn 11 and he would be there to save him from his relatives and welcome him to a new world. He would keep away all the bad influence of the dark families. Dumbledore mussed over all he had to do in the next couple years to make sure harry stayed by his side and was controllable. dumbledore knew that if he let Harry's cousins Draco, Susan and Theodore contact him he would lose harry, all of them knew about wizarding tradition and would teach harry his place. dumbledore could not let harry have so much power let alone knowledge. As such dumbledore had helped Draco's farther stay out of prison as long as no Malfoy knew harry was their cousin and attempted to contact him. Lucious Malfoy had only been too pleased to denounce harry and not let Draco know, his mother, on the other hand, was Narcissa Malfoy nee Black. she was Draco's connection to harry through Sirius beeing his godfather and her aunt being harry's grandmother. He could only hope Mr. Malfoy had stopped his wife from telling Draco. Theodore was left alone has his connection to harry was through his farther who his mother had killed like she had many other suitors and he did not think his mother knew of said connection. convincing Susan was impossible to do without discreet force, Susan's parents had been killed before they could tell her but her aunt had taken her in and she no doubt knew due to her being best friends with Lilly Potter Harry's mother. Dumbledore had convinced himself at this point that there was no other option and had obliviated Susan's aunt madam bones completely of lily's presence.  There were many others he had to bribe to stay away from Harry, like lupin. Dumbledore had blackmailed the werewolf, lupin had stayed away and dumbledore had not had to tell the ministry of the small child he had killed during his first transformation. overall dumbledore believed he had done what was necessary for the better of the wizarding world and had done nothing wrong. What was wrong was that the smoke had suddenly changed to gold and pure white. Gold represented self-confidence and healing and white represented elation and noble desire. Something was happening to Harry. Something dumbledore was not happy about. The boy could not have confidence and power ever, otherwise he wouldn't follow Dumbledore's plan. Dumbledore rose to check the objects for malfunctions when the smoke turned a dark black and bright blue. Black represented revenge and rage while bright blue represented freedom. As suddenly as the smoke had changed white cracks spread up the objects and they exploded violently. Dumbledore had no time to react and had been struck by the shrapnel, he would be out for the next couple of days even with the help of magic. 

I hope you like it, comments and criticism are welcomed and encouraged. I hope you enjoy and that I actually finish this story.

Have a lovely day - Lachlans_Lucky_13

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