chapter one

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7:30 am

Monday morning, 7:30 am, first day of school. Summer had come to an end. Which also meant no more late nights and sleeping in till late afternoon, and most importantly all summer flings, casual hookups, and one night stands would be forgotten about. That's how it was since the 8th grade. No one brings up summer flings or anything along those lines. In our town of Hawkins we go by the terms "what happens in summer stays in summer" . Kinda stupid; I know but that's how it's always been.

I've never really liked school. Never enjoyed seeing all the same faces, everyday for 6 hours straight. Especially in a small town where there's a limited amount of people I actually can stand to talk to at this point. That includes my best friends Nancy Wheeler and Jen Miller. Their the only people I trust at this point and don't annoy the shit out of me. Then there's Steve Harrington who I'm not even going to get into now Because simply I don't know what we're are at this point. But that's a story for another day.

I threw on some mom jeans and a red tank top that I'll probably get dress coded for but who cares, and lastly my black converse that needs a replacement. I grabbed my back pack and headed out to my car. It was about a 10 minute drive to school. I kept the music low and focused on the road and the details of the road in front of me.

I pulled into the school parking lot. Kids my age were separated into their socials groups and chatting amongst themselves. I turned off the car and got out. I saw Nancy and Jen standing off besides a car I didn't recognize.

Jen waved me over and I smiled and walked towards them. As I got closer I realized the car was owned by no other then Steve Harrington. I took a deep breath and continued over.

"Hey girl how's it going" Jen said flashing one of her famous smiles.

"Okay, not to happy to be back here"

"I don't think anyone wants to be here" Nancy said lightly laughing.

"So I'm just gonna ask, why the hell are we standing next to Steve's car?"

"Idk we just kinda met up here?" Jen said.

"Oh ok" I said relived.

"Tiffany Hayes" Nancy said more chipper than she was 10 seconds ago"

"Yes Nancy" i said confused on her change of mood.

"You totally got with Steve this summer" she said grinning.

"W- what why would you think that" I said.

"First of all how would you know this was his car unless your familiar with it and second you never stutter not even when you were questioned by the cops freshman year."

"Ok shut up Nancy Drew" i said.

But before we could finish our conversation a loud engine pulled up beside us. A younger girl with a skateboard and red hair got out of the passenger seat closeted to us. We waited for the driver to get out. It took a minute. Then a muscular, good looking, tall boy got out of the driver seat.

He skimmed the parking lot looking at the different groups. Then he eyes landed on mine.

Chapter one: finished
Word count: 558

tough love//Billy Hargrove Where stories live. Discover now