chapter three

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Last period on a Monday and I couldn't listen to Steve rant about the new kid anymore. What is he worried he's gonna get his crown taken? Surprisingly nothing has been awkward between me and Steve so far, considering this summers past events. But like I said all summer things are forgotten.

   "He's not even that good looking" Steve said.

  I just let out a small smile remembering Billy.

  "Tiffany there is no way your saying he's good looking" Steve said looking like he just saw a ghost.

  "I never said he was good looking Steve" Steve breathed out a breath of relief.

  "But I'm not saying he isn't" i said right as the bell rang.

   Steve tried his best to catch up to me in the halls but I was already to ahead of him. I exited the school doors to see Nancy and Jonathan . I walked over to them beginning to discuss the first day. Nancy talked about how all through second period Steve wouldn't shut up about Billy. I laughed and told Nancy about how I went through the same thing last period.

  "Hey Tiffany were gonna head out, need a ride?" Jonathan asked.

   " no I have my car today, thank you though"

   "Ok see you tomorrow bright and early" Nancy said faking her cheerfulness.

   I laughed and waved as they drove away. But I turned around to see something I never saw coming. A huge crowd was formed and people were chanting. Normally I wouldn't engage in something like this but when I heard Steve's name getting chanted I dropped my stuff and ran over.

  I made my was through the crowd of people to see Steve fighting someone but I couldn't get a good look at who it was. Just then a clearing came through and I was shocked to see Billy standing there. This wasn't gonna be good. Not good for Steve. Billy was bigger and stronger than Steve. He was gonna get his ass beat.

   "So tell me Harrington, you run this place?" Billy said standing tall.

   "Listen I don't want to fight just get the hell out of here and go back to where ever you came from" Steve said.

  Oh no this is bad.

    Billy took a step forward and punched Steve right in the face. Steve stumbled back but quickly regained balance and came back and punched billy hard in the face multiple times. Maybe Steve was gonna win this fight? My thought was changed seconds later when Steve was pushed the the ground and Billy was on top of him beating the shit out of him. The chanting hasn't stopped and neither has the fight. There was no way i could brake this up, I'm too small. Just then some teacher ran through the crowd and pulled billy off Steve.

   "Ok nothing to see here kids, go home. The teacher stated.

   Immediately every student there had cleared besides me. I needed to make sure steve was okay and if he needed a ride home.

   "Oh my god steve are you okay?" I said kneeling down next to him.

     "Do I look okay?" He said back.

     "Shut up steve and get in the car it's over there by my bag" I said and Steve got up and brought himself to my car.

  I was gathering Steve's books and his bag when I head someone behind me.

  "Should have known by your looks" said a voice behind me.

  "Excuse me" i said turning around to meet billy.

  "Should have known you were with Steve as soon as I saw you. A girl like you always has the top guy in the school. Am i right?" Billy said getting closer.

  "First of all me and Steve aren't even together, second who are you to think you can come around here and think your all it, and third don't assume stuff about me."

  "I'm not going to lie to you right now, I didn't listen to anything you just said. All I got from it is that your single" Billy said smirking. 

  "Go to hell" I said and I walked away leaving him there.

Chapter 3: finished
Word count : 696
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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2019 ⏰

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