French Flirts [SMUT]

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Werewolf! Lafayette x Female! Reader (PART 2)

Modern Werewolf AU

Summary: Somebody says something about werewolves that offends the reader (but she's not a werewolf). She gets into an "argument" with them defending werewolves. The Hamilsquad hears her argument and we'll see where it goes from there. 

Warning: Cisgender female, werewolves, most likely swearing and maybe my first smut. Also a mention of Lams. Google Translated French.

A/N: This is a two-part story. I'm getting french Remus Lupin vibes as I read this chapter. This chapter was so hard to write. How do people write smut all the time? I admire you guys. I hope that it isn't too obvious it's my first smut.  ________________________



Lafayette and I sat on the warm couch in Lafs living room. I was helping him learn and improve in his English. In exchange, he was teaching me French from scratch. Now I was teaching him how to say peace instead of piss. To which he was complaining. Boy, I think. You are going to thank me in the future.

"Okay, can you teach me something in French?" I tell him and he smiles.

"What would you want to learn today, ma chéri?" I pause and place my finger on my chin, thinking. Now that I needed to tell him something, my mind went blank. A small smile made its way onto my face when I got an idea. I hummed happily and looked at Lafayette.

"Can you teach me how to flirt in French?" Lafs face went red and he giggled nervously. It was the cutest thing ever. I scooted closer to him and waited for him to say something.

"Well, ma chéri," he says and looks into my eyes. His whole face was as red as a tomato. "Est-ce que ton père a été un voleur? Parce qu'elle a volé les étoiles du ciel pour mettre en tes yeux." The mans face got unspeakably redder.

"What does it mean?" I ask him. Laf started fidgeting with his fingers and avoided my eyes. He gulped before he finally looked at me again.

"It means, Has your father been a thief? Because she stole the stars from the sky to put in your eyes," now it was my turn to blush. I felt the blood rise to my face and I felt like I was going to explode. See kids? This is what happens when you have a huge crush on a Frenchman.

"How do you say 'you're hot'?" I ask him. I moved so that the two of us were just centimeters away. I felt his breath on my face and I could almost hear his heartbeat. I doubt that I was in better conditions. I slowly got closer to him until our noses were touching.

"Vous êtes chaud," he says quietly. His hands went up to lay on my thighs and we stayed staring at each other.

"Vous êtes chaud," I say, trying to imitate the way he said it. Lafs hands tighten around my thighs as I said that. He pulled me toward him so that I was on his lap, and I was straddling him. His hand rubbed the skin on my legs and sent shivers up my spine. Lafayette's hands stopped on my hips drawing me even closer if that was even possible. I grabbed his shoulders to keep me balanced, my heart was bursting in my ribcage. The guy I had a crush on was pulling me against him. On his couch. In his living room. Sweet Jesus. 

Without warning, he placed his lips on mine. I gasped and froze. His lips were soft and tasted like the snickers we had been eating earlier. I overcame the shock of Lafs sudden move and kissed back. Our lips moving in sync. He nibbled on my lower lip and moved to kiss my jaw. I lolled my head back giving him access to more skin. My hands went up to his hair as I tugged on the loose strands. I let out a soft whimper when Lafs mouth covered a spot under my jaw. I felt him smirk against my skin and he gently bit there. I bit my lip, holding back a moan. Lafayette kept sucking and licking that one spot until he was satisfied with the mark he left. He kept leaving marks until he reached the fabric of my band shirt.

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