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Werewolf!Lafayette x Female!Reader(PART 1)

Modern Werewolf AU

Summary: Somebody says something about werewolves that offends the reader (but she's not a werewolf). She gets into an "argument" with them defending werewolves. The Hamilsquad hears her argument and we'll see where it goes from there.

Warning: Cisgender female, werewolves, most likely swearing and maybe my first smut. Also a mention of Lams. Google Translated French.

A/N: This is a two part story.



"But werewolves are monsters."

My head snapped up to look at my friend. We were watching some Alex Meyers videos until somehow we got to this topic. I opened and closed my mouth a few times before I said anything.

"Excuse me?" I say in an offended tone. I look at her with an unamused face. "Did you just call werewolves monsters? I'm so sorry if I misheard you but please tell me that's not what you said."

"Well, I mean, they are monsters."

I paused the video that was still playing. "Werewolves are beautiful and misunderstood creatures. They have a horrible reputation because of some silly old myth. They are amazing and sometimes I'd rather be with a werewolf than with humans."

My friend looked at me like I was insane. "Now the proper word to use to put them into a category of animals is to call them supernatural creatures. Which is much less offensive from where I'm standing in this situation."

My friend raised her hands up in surrender. "Okay, okay," she says. "God, I hope you're this protective when it comes to racism."

I huffed and crossed my arms resuming the video and laughing at the way Alex Meyers reacted to Goosebumps.

Alexander POV

I smirked as me John, Hercules and Lafayette listened to Y/n ramble about werewolves and as she defended our species Lafayette's face grew redder.

The Frenchman had a huge crush on the girl and he never stopped talking about her. But whenever she said hi to us in the halls he would become a flustered mess. Stuttering his words out and saying the stupidest stuff.

One time our baguette friend had stuttered something in French and it got really awkward.

I looked at Lafayette and I wasn't surprised to see him looking at Y/n in complete adoration. I nudged John so he wouldn't miss it and he did the same to Herc.

"So Laf," I say and he jumps a little at the sound of my voice. "When are you going to ask her out?"

"When I find the courage to do so mon ami," he says, his French accent affecting the way he pronounced his 'R'. "Or when she finally notices me as anything more than an anti-social embarras."

I rolled my eyes. Knowing very well that Y/n did not think of him in that way. Me and Y/n were currently doing a project and often hung at her or my place to work on it. I'm not sure how we got to it but we both had the same thing in mind when we found out about each others talents.

We were writing a comic and helping each other improve in what we loved to do. But that's beside the point. When we took a break from working on the comic for much-needed snacks, we somehow drifted into the topic of boyfriends and crushes.

She had asked me how I was going with Laurens. In return, I had asked her if there was anyone she had B interest in. Already knowing she was single. Now I was left in the very frustrating spot of knowing these two knuckleheads liked each other.

"You know you're never going to find out if she likes you if you stare at her all the time," says John from beside me as he held my hand.

Lafayette huffed and sunk lower into his chair. He flipped a page of his book. I suddenly stood up without warning. The other three werewolves looked at me in confusion. "I'm gonna go have a little conversation with Y/n."

I started walking to the table Y/n and her friend were sitting at. The scent of fear coming from Lafayette was strong and stung my nostrils.

I tapped Y/n's shoulder. And she turned to look back at me and pulled out her earbud. I got a heavy feeling in my stomach telling me what I was about to do was a bad idea. "Can I talk to you...alone?" Too late to turn back now.

Y/n nodded and got out of her chair, "Sure." She turned back to her friend to tell them not to play the video until she was back. I walked to a place that was out of everyone's earshot. Even to the ears of other werewolves in the room.

"Well Y/n," I say as we stand in an empty classroom. "I heard you defending werewolves in there-"

"Who didn't," she interrupts.

"Well, I just had to tell you that I am a werewolf." I waited for her to freak out or for her to not believe me but instead, all she said was:

"Nice. Anyone else I should be knowing this about?"

My confidence came back to me and I whispered this into her ear, "Lafayette."

I pulled away and left Y/n with a red face and I walked back into my boyfriends' arms. "What did you say to her?" asks John.

"Nothing," I stare at Y/n as she enters with a red face. She was staring back at me.



I hesitantly walked over to a lonely Lafayette in the library. Hercules had to leave early to his job in a tailors shop. While Alex had organized a date with his boyfriend Laurens. We usually worked on our comic this day of the week but canceled.

I was going to work on my homework here in the library when I saw Lafayette. Who now, apparently, was a werewolf.

I walked over to sit next to him and opened one of my textbooks. "Hey Laf," I say in a quiet voice. "What're you working on?"
I mentally facepalmed. What a great way to start a conversation.

"Um, m-my English?" He stuttered. He looked at me with flushed cheeks. 8 smiled at him.

"If you want I could help," he nodded with a smile on his face. "But can I get something in return?" Lafs eyes shone with happiness as he nodded again.

"Anything, belle," he says in French.

"I want you to teach me, French," I say a little shyly. He, once again, nods and I smile at him (again). "Do you mind if we go to my house? I feel like this place e is too quiet."

"No problem with me charmante."

Hamilsquad x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now