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The sound of the siren fills the air. A skeleton wearing a red scarf was running away from a group of monsters.

"SURRENDER NOW OR WE WILL HAVE TO SHOOT YOU!" One of the monster Shouted to the Red scarfed skeleton. He smirked from the police's Demand. Hah! As if he would Listen to their Command.

"Oh I will, But first, you need to capture me you mother fucking Police!" He shouted as he ran faster trying to get away from the group of cops.

"GET HIM QUICK! WE CAN'T LET HIM ESCAPE! LET'S ALL SPLIT UP!" Their commander shouted in anger as his group nodded, splitting in different directions for them to trap the criminal.

Their chief commander, Ink was following the criminal. He was shooting the criminal but the scarfed skeleton managed to dodge it with precise as if he was training this for years.

Ink was getting irritated from how the criminal dodges every bullet gets close to him. Though, some bullets were hitting him but, he mostly avoided them easily.

The criminal was getting tired and he knew he can't take a break for a second or else he'd be a goner.(A/n : Lol Hamilton References XD)

He needed a plan to escape from them. He knew if he kept on going he may pass out and he can't let that happening anytime soon. Looking around, his gaze landed on the alley.

He needed a plan to lose the police and then hide in the alley, he needs the police to get distracted. An idea formed in his mind.

He quickly turned left trying to leave the police behind him. He saw one of the police in front of him. It started shooting at him but, he still managed to dodge them easily.

He was running towards the cop surprising him, he slid underneath him and continued to run away from the two cops. He turned sharp left and saw another cop.

Before they can react the criminal managed to jump across him by stepping on the wall and perfectly landing on the ground. He continued running. The cops were starting to get tired but pushed themselves to run much faster to catch the criminal.

As the cops tried to run faster, they were starting to go slower and slower by the minute they pushed themselves to run faster. 'I won't let this criminal wonder around this city street! I must run faster.' Ink thought, determined to capture the escaped criminal.

The red scarfed skeleton noticed that the cops were getting tired. He smirked. He knew that they'll get tired sooner or later. He turned Right, his speed is accelerating because of his determination pushing him to be much faster.

He took a quick glance behind him and saw no one. His smile grew as he started to walk in the alley that he saw before. He jumped from the garbage and boosted himself up from the wall. He jumped down at the other side and hid on the wall. He heard some faint heavy breathings in the alley.

"Where has he gone?!" Ink says frustrated. He can't let this deadly Criminal escape! It will be dangerous for them. His group shrug.

"Don't worry Ink he should be around here. I'm sure he hasn't escaped yet." One of the police said trying to make it positive.

"YEAH!" One of them shouted in agreement.

"But what if it did?! You know that this criminal has escaped 5 times now and this is the first time he had escaped successfully!" Ink says, Enraged from their reasoning.

"Calm down Ink. We can always scout this area to look for him. Besides, he hasn't gone that far anyway." The other tries to reason. Ink sighed, calming himself down.

"Alright. We'll scout the area tomorrow." He agreed leaving the area.

The criminal heard the siren of the police is slowly fading. He sighed in relief. He was free, The cops had finally left him. Now, his only problem was them. He needed to kill them to avenge his family that he dearly loved. He still heard the screams of his family echoing in his mind as he lie awake at midnight mourning his family. And now, here he is, free and wanted to get revenge from how they killed his family.

He was Determined to hunt the group who killed his family.
732 words

Yes, I know some had red the story so it means that they knew who are they but, I can always change who are the antagonist *winks* Anyways, how was it? My writing did improved so much and I am so glad that it did. And also, I will add more characters and no, I won't add any wattpad people/characters or Oc's cuz idk I guess I just don't want to make this story much longer? Idk though, I'm sure that this story will be longer with or without the real life people that are from wattpad. And I'm sorry on my misspellings and wrong punctuations since, English isn't my first language (some of you may know that and also knows which country I am).

Anyway all in all, I hoped you enjoyed this prologue and I'll see you all on my updates! Have a Fabulous day/night!

Illegal Love(Rewritten version)Where stories live. Discover now