Victored and Troubled

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Heck yeah! Exam week is finally over and we survived it. I know that we'll pass because, we studied hard and prepared for it. Well, I heard Keith that the preparation process for the diner is still not completely going smoothly. I can see the stress in his eyes like, it haven't made him sleep. I tap his shoulder and rub it a gesture to say that it's gonna be okay and I'm here. He just move closer and hug me. "Usually, these things go smoothly but, winter's just keeps getting on the way. It's Los Angeles Dyl, how come winter become this annoying on this part of the country?" I just pat his head and delicately ruffle his hair. We are getting a lot of stares now but, I don't mind it, I don't care about what they think all I care about is to make Keith feel okay.

We've been standing here on the same spot for several minutes now. I saw Kyle coming, he bought us food from the cafeteria so that we can eat it on our secret place. Kyle's expression immediately changed when he sees Keith in my arms. "What happened Dyl?" He asked right away. "Stress just got to him, Kyle. This winter's really weird you know, usually we don't experience this kind of weather during winter season." I knew better, this is somehow unnatural, I know that this is insane but, it seems that nature planned to make things harder for the diner's renovation. "Well, weather's suppose to change, things will be okay, how about we head up and eat all the stress away." Kyle said and Keith's head shot up forming smiles on all of our faces.

We sat on our usual spot, so glad that half of this rooftop is roofed so we'll survive the cold during lunch. "So Keith, how's your talk with the student council, how did it go?" Kyle asked me and I snapped from my thoughts. "Uhm, yeah I talked to Vi, seems that the band that suppose to play for the dance suddenly backed out so she said that we're in." I told them Kyle nodded and continue biting on his sandwich and, I saw Keith's smile grow bigger. Well some things are still rough but, it's nice that Keith's getting okay. "So we need to figure out the songs that we'll be playing for the dance, we need to start rehearsing too." I told them and they nodded at me. This sudden extreme change of whether though still bothers me, I need to investigate this, right now. I feel a familiar feeling surge through my veins, this will be easy, got it. I feel a hand touched my shoulder and I snap my head to see it was Keith, he gave me a look and shook his head. I got carried away, I turn to check on Kyle just for me to see that he's in shock. "Kyle, what happened, are you okay?" I asked him as if nothing happened. "Nothing, I just thought you eyes glowed, maybe I'm just seeing things. Forget about it." He said and we continue eating and talking forgetting what happened, what I did.

After school, we headed to Keith's place to rehearse for our first gig. Keith, Darius and I is already in the music room, Kyle's in the kitchen preparing food as we wait for Aven and Tim. "About your stunt earlier, you know that Kyle can't know until he's awakened right?" Keith started. "You used magic in front of Kyle?" Darius questioned in shock. "Well I think about this extreme weather is kinda unnatural like you said earlier so, I kinda got trace of someone's tampering with nature." I stated. "And?" Both Keith and Darius asked in unison. "And I found out that it's unnatural, someone's messing with the weather but, I can't trace where the magic is coming from." I confessed. "I'm going to try-" I tried to speak but, Darius interrupt. "Shush, I will do it I'm the best tracer and you know it." He said and, he's right. "Keep an eye on the door, you're a seer from some reason." Darius instructed me as I do what he commanded. Darius whispered some spell well I guess to amplify his tracing talent and, his whole body glowed as he levitate. He's using strong magic just to have the most precise details about this anomaly, a few minutes later he descended and the light fades away. "You will never find the person, I traced it and I can't feel any life force from the source. It can be an artifact or a pre setted spell, mom taught you better idiot." He explained while he mocked me. "I can't perform a whole spell cause Kyle was in front of me earlier, he almost knew." I corrected him and he just rolled his eyes while muttering 'fine'. "I'm an elementalist, maybe I can do something about it?" Keith said getting into the conversation and Darius shook his head at him. "No matter how powerful you are to command the elements, as long as there's a continuous source of magic to change the weather you won't stop it." He plainly said. "So what are we supposed to do?" Keith asked him. "We need to trace the source and destroy it." He informed us. "I will make preparations to locate the source, we need to do it at night it requires quite a long process so I'm staying over." He further explained and Keith nodded at him. "Okay, I will put a sleep spell on Kyle later on so he won't notice anything." Keith said and we nodded at each other. "While I trace it there's a chance that the caster will know, Dylan I need you to do a hundred meter surveillance for us to know if we're going to be attacked." He told me and I nodded. "I will also inform all of our helpers so are mom and dad." Keith said and we look at him confused. "What do the helpers have to do with this?" Darius asked more like complaining. "All of our employees are wizards, I will ask them to form a protective barrier around the estate." Keith informed us before leaving the room. "Tim and Aven are on their way to the house." I informed Darius. "And why do you think I want to know?" He sassed at me. "Oh brother, we both know that you want to." I teased him as he started doing protective spells to cover the whole house.

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