[7] Figuring it Out

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Wattpad was lagging so I couldn't post this earlier 3:< Things are getting exciting!

The Ashes pack wasn't too bad. Sure, it was hostile at most borders, and the prey was scarce at times, but it was better than Runner's gut feeling made him think it would be.

At least, that was how it was at first.

Through the year and a half, Runner got used to the territory. Hunting became fun despite not always catching food for the day. Sometimes, though, a herd was passing through and the pack's bellies would be full for the next few days. Border patrols were always pretty okay since mountain border patrols were rare and the river was agreed as the border. However, there was sometimes fights with the Moda pack.

But it all was okay for the most part. Jay and Lora were his best friends and the trio quickly grew. Jay got a lot bigger and his shoulders became broader. He was still mischevious and got into a lot of trouble, but he became a handsome young adult.

Lora grew taller and leaner and her white and light gray coat shined. Her rich green eyes were as kind as she was. She took on a motherly personality and usually scolded Jay and Runner when they got into trouble together. Especially Jay.

Runner didn't grow as much as them. He was still very small for his age. He was commonly mistaken for a juvenile. His legs did grow longer though, at least. He was still a fast runner and he's only gotten faster.

Runner was sitting with Jay and Lora in the camp, talking with them. They went hunting earlier and now it was the afternoon. They might have something else to do, but right now, they were content with talking to each other.

Across the camp, Field and Ice walked out of the Alpha's Den. Field sat below and Ice jumped up onto the top and sat there. They both looked above and howled. The pack joined in and he could hear howls from patrols out in the territory. Ice raised his voice, "I have an announcement. We will wait for all of the pack to get here."

The patrols came into the camp and Runner looked at Lora and Jay questioningly. "Did you two hear anything about this?" They shook their heads, just as curious as him.

"We have decided to attack the Aquaid pack. We will call the attackers into the alpha's den to discuss the plans for it."

Runner sat there, stunned. Attack? What does he mean by attack? His ear twitched and he looked to Lora and Jay, with confusion written all over his face.

"Oh, an attack? That hasn't happened for a while," Lora said. She seemed calm like this has happened before. Runner looked to her, alarmed.

"Excuse me? He said attack, are you saying this has happened before?"

"Um... Yeah? It was kinda obvious. I mean, when the Embers pack got attacked and you were so used to its territory." Runner's eyes widened. 

"What? Are you saying I used to be a part of a pack that got attacked by them?"

"Yeah? Dude, are you just figuring this out?" Jay seemed a little confused at Runner being so confused.

It was all making sense now. He didn't hear of the attack from anyone when he got there and Field and Ice seemed to always distance him from wolves at certain points. Cocoa was making sense now, too. Runner couldn't believe how much of an idiot he was.

"This... This shouldn't be happening. You guys shouldn't be okay with this." Runner said to them. They looked at each other with unsure faces.

"Well... I mean, we never really questioned it, especially since you wouldn't be our friend if it didn't happen," Lora said.

"...Okay, but still, it isn't right. Why are we attacking them? What did they do to us?" Runner asked them, desperate for an answer. They looked at each other awkwardly.

"Dude... We really don't know, we just kinda... grew up with this," Jay told him. Runner sighed.

"Okay... I'm sorry. I don't blame you two. But still, this isn't right and we need to do something!"

"Like... what?"

"We have to try and change their minds, at least. I'll go and talk to Field and Ice." He told them. They nodded as he walked away towards the alpha's den. He stopped at the outside of the den awkwardly. Field and Ice were talking in it. Field's ear twitched and he turned to Runner.

"Oh, Runner. You can come in, we were about to call over the attackers and you were a part of them anyway," Field said to him.

"What? No! I wanted to talk to you guys about the... attack," Runner had the tiniest bit of trouble with saying it.

"Oh. What about it?"

"Well... It's just... Not right! Why are we even doing it?!" Runner's voice was desperate as he was to know the answer. Field and Ice looked at each other nervously.

"Keep your voice down," Ice's voice had a warning tone to it, "And we have our reasons."

"Then what are they?"

"...We can't tell you," Field's ear twitched and he looked at Ice awkwardly again.

"Why not?"

"It's private information. We aren't stopping the attack, Runner." Runner's fur bristled at Field's answer. His ears pinned back and his tail was lashing.

"What is wrong with you two?! First, you attacked my pack for no reason and now you're attacking this pack? Are you two just out for blood?"

"...You found out about that? No, nevermind. We have our own reasons, Runner. And you're not stopping us," And with that, Ice called the attackers into the den.

Runner sighed and walked out. He couldn't say anything during the meeting but he did pay attention to it. He'd be on the sidelines and chasing others. Lora would be with him and Jay would be one of the main attackers, probably because of his strength and broad shoulders. Lora and Jay walked with him to the den.

"So... I'm guessing you didn't convince them not to?" Jay broke the silence. Runner sighed.

"No... They didn't listen. Or even give me a reason to why they were doing it."

"Do you have any ideas? It's not right like you said, and we're happy to help," Lora assured Runner. He looked up and thought for a second, then looked them in the eyes.

"I've got a plan."

Word Count: 1071

Hehehehe hope you enjoy! Remember to vote or comment if you'd like ;)

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