Chapter 8-2 Days Early

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Narrator: It wasn't long before the second Storm was going to be here. About 2 days. Everyone was nervous. They all made sure that they had everything that they needed. Kath and Marcus were in there room cuddling and talking again.

Kath: Babe?

Marcus: Yes?

Kath: I'm scared of the storm again.

Marcus: Don't worry about it babe. We'll be fine.

Narrator: At that moment they looked out the window to see that the storm was there. They ran out of the room and Marcus yelled out to the house.


Narrator: Elliott, Liv, Lannan, Tannar, Lachlan, Brodey, Nathan, Ilsa and Grace all ran downstairs and went into the shelter with Kath and Marcus. Kath, Tannar, Liv and Grace started crying because they were scared. Kath was sitting on Marcus. Liv was sitting on Elliott, Tannar was sitting next to Nathan and Grace was sitting on Lachy. Elliott thought that it was a little weird but didn't say anything. Lachy whispered into Grace's ear.

Lachlan: Should we tell them?

Grace: Yeah. It's a good time.

Narrator: Grace realized that Elliott was starring at her. He gave her the sibling stare. Like she needed to tell him right there and than or else.

Grace: We have an announcement to make.

Narrator: Everyone looked at Grace and Lachlan.

Lachlan and Grace: We're dating.

Kath: Congrats guys!

Lachlan: Thank you!

Narrator: Everyone congratulated them except Elliott. He was starring to space at this point and Grace knew that something was wrong with him. They went and talked in the corner.

Grace: What he fuck is wrong with you?! Can't you ever just be happy for me?!

Elliott: Grace! I am! I'm thinking about someone else right now!

Grace: Who is it?

Elliott: Brodey. He hasn't been doing good lately and I'm worried about him.

Grace: I know but ever since he's been in the hospital he has been doing better. He'll be better.

Elliott: If you say so.

Narrator: Elliott didn't really think he would be fine but he went with it anyways. Brodey wasn't talking that much and no one noticed.

Brodey: *thoughts* I'm not getting any better. I play it off like I am even though I'm not. I'm good at faking and lying to them. I'm fucking ending it soon.


I know that it is no where near 1,00 words but the death of Cameron Boyce is effecting me so that's why everything is late.


In chapters 9, 10 or 11 two of the characters face something very tragic that I don't recommend that some of you read. When uploaded, proceed at own risk of sadness and depression. I will say when that part is to give another warning.

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