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I just wanted to be special. That's all I wanted. It didn't have to be like this, if only circumstances were different... maybe we could have been friends. He rested his head against the metal divider, blocking out the yells and bangs of the phantom thieves stuck on the other side. This was the end of him, the end in which he deserved. He didn't deserve an honourable death, nothing he did made him worthy of that.

How had he got himself into such a confusing predicament. He should have guessed he would make an appearance in Shido's cognitive palace. But to portrayed as some dog that was willing to do anything for him was humiliating. He felt anger bubble inside him, Shido would get his comeuppance soon.

The gun clicked ominously in front of him, his cognitive self sneering at him.
"You've served your purpose Goro, you won't be missed." His other self pointed the gun at him and laughed coldly, "too bad Shido doesn't get to see his lap dog get put down himself." He was never a lap dog. He had never sucked up to Shido for any reason other than his own gain. He screwed up his face in anticipation, he didn't want to see that face, his face snarling at him before he died. It was just a reminder of how awfully blinded he was.


There was a rush of wind and he felt a force push him into darkness. He closed his eyes, letting the air wash over him coolly, it was rather relaxing. It was disgusting the way he had met his end, although deserving.
"This is quite disappointing inmate!" A harsh voice cracked like a whip and the sound of something hard hitting a pair of metal bars sounded. Akechi's eyes jerked open rapidly and he blinked against the new light.
"Indeed, I expected better from you... but you have proved to us that you are not capable." The form of two girls began to contrast between the dark cell he was in. Not capable?

"Wait, Caroline, Justine it's not..."
"Quiet inmate! And I'd mind your tongue addressing us so casually after what just transpired." Caroline rapped the bars again, then swiping her baton behind her back in one fluid motion.
"You died. How could you have been so careless?" Justine shook her head gravely and turned her head to Caroline, "Caroline, didn't you have to mention something?" Caroline looked a little confused, but then her face flipped,
"Oh yes, well inmate you're in luck. Despite our personal wishes and your failure, our master has decided to allow you one more chance."

"One more chance? For what?"
"Have you ever learnt to wait for your turn to speak?!" Caroline bellowed, absolutely beside herself.
"Our master believes there is still hope for your rehabilitation. He thinks that a one month deadline should encourage you." Justine said taking over, turning her clipboard over in her hands smoothly,
"Correct! You will be given a month to complete your rehabilitation otherwise you will be back here forever." She gestured to the back of the Velvet Room. It wasn't somewhere he would have enjoyed on a holiday, but the Twins' company was so enjoyable how was this a bad thing! "So you better complete it inmate! I'd rather not have you here all day everyday complaining."

Akechi couldn't help but chuckle, was this her attempt at being kind? Or was it just her desire to never see him again.
"What does that involve?" Justine and Caroline glanced at each other. Caroline was first to break it to look at Akechi.
"We are not supposed to help you inmate, that is against the contract." Justine nodded,
"But there is perhaps one thing we can say..."
"Justine you can't!" Caroline's mouth was agape and her eyes were wide. "You can't break the rules for some lowly scum." Akechi frowned. Even if he had done a few questionable things in his life, he wouldn't have gone as far as to say he was  'lowly scum'. Perhaps.

"It's fine." Justine sighed and turned to Akechi a serious look on her face, "Well inmate, to give you information about your rehabilitation, you must seek redemption for your actions, from those you have wronged. Only then will your rehabilitation be complete." Akechi froze.
"'re referring to the phantom thieves, am I correct in saying? Well I've been forgiven already. So shouldn't my rehabilitation be complete?"
"Their words and hearts speak different." Justine said bluntly glancing to her clipboard- as if checking some notes- and back up at him curiously.

Akechi jumped up. He knew they had been lying. None of them had really thought him to be a friend.
"I knew it!" He strode over to the bars and held them tightly, his knuckles turning white almost instantly, "Seems not even they could forgive me. Them and their pathetic views of friendship and loyalty. I don't need their forgiveness!" He bellowed, banging a fist on the bars which didn't even budge against his force.

A baton flew through the air and slammed into the bar dangerously close to his head,
"Know your place inmate!" Akechi staggered backwards in fright, still seething. "Justine has already said too much, so scram and get to it! We'll be watching to make sure you're on the right track. If you end up wasting our time by not making up with the phantom thieves you'll seriously regret it inmate!" Caroline said scornfully.

"Right..." he mumbled. He could just flat out refuse to do it. To ignore this 'rehabilitation' and just enjoy the next month of freedom without having to think about the phantom thieves. But... he looked around the dinghy cell block. There was a mysterious looking puddle in the corner which he had no clue on how it had gotten there. He would be stuck here for the rest of his life? He turned away from the two and headed to the back of the cell. "Guess I'll be off." He inclined a hand in farewell and stepped through the portal, his leg disappearing and coming out who knows where.

"May justice be on your side."

Will You Forgive Me? (Akechi x Akira)Where stories live. Discover now