Chapter 14- The Velvet Room

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(AN:I think this chapter is longer than the last one uh,,)

Akira's POV-

If Morgana had been there he would've put a stop to this before it could begin, but with the cat slinking around in the neighbourhood somewhere, he was unaware that Akira and Goro were currently on a train speeding it's way towards Shibuya. They were cutting it close for the train times, but Goro had insisted on going immediately which Akira had complied to readily. He didn't want to miss this chance when Goro was so willing to tell him something.

The train ride was taken in a mutual silence. Neither spoke a word to the other, not that there was anything more to say. He knew Goro would see any conversation as a distraction from their goal. If he were to say a word it would most definitely be straight up ignored or criticised. Akira had risked a couple of glances over at Goro which were resolutely ignored. Not that he was surprised by this. He himself had made a deal with him to not put on an act in his company. It seemed this was the end of the common pleasantries he had grown so used to.

When they arrived at Shibuya station they exited and walked purposefully to the alleyway off of the Main Street. Once the gate was in sight he looked over at Goro again, this time catching his eye. Goro looked pale in the small amount of light projected by the few shops that were still operating at that hour. Was he feeling sick? Akira opened his mouth to speak, but Goro turned away quickly, continuing to the door. Akira closed his mouth. He couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. Something wasn't right with this.

First off, why were the twins involved in this? What part did they play in all of this? Goro had said they were connected to how he was able to still go inside the palace... Akira quickly made his way closer to Goro and found him already in conversation with one of the Wardens who he had previously not seen due to Goro being in the way.

"Both of you, what-" Justine surveyed them skeptically,
"Let us in, now." Goro snapped. Akira could practically feel Goro's temper rising and was just about reaching boiling point. Akira let out a sharp sigh and in turn Justine threw Goro a distasteful look. Both which Goro seemed to disregard,
"That is my duty, but you two won't be able to come in at the same time. Despite what occurred earlier. That was not simultaneous. The door allows my sister or myself and one prisoner." Justine added when she caught the look on Goro's face. Earlier? Then it clicked. So Goro had been in the velvet room when he had, earlier that night. What sort of things were going through Goro's mind? Had he guessed that Akira had been asking about him?

At that point, he had believed Goro was dead. He knew he had seen Goro hiding within the shadows during the battle with Shido. He knew Goro would be there to re-enact revenge on Shido, the man he loathed with his entire being. That being said, when the palace began collapsing around them, he hadn't seen even a glimpse of the other boy anywhere. Even when they had escaped the confines of the palace walls did he not see him. When he had finally encountered him outside LeBlanc all he had felt was relief. That and doubt...

"We need to go together." Akira said urgently and he could've sworn Goro smiled at him if only for a moment. Justine surveyed the two of them for a moment, her eyes narrowed suspiciously,
"There is one way it might work-"
"What is it?" Goro interjected quickly.
"You two need to become one, a single desire shared between you must exist, one powerful enough to trick the door into believing you are one in the same."
"What is this shit?! Become one, what's that supposed to mean?!" Goro burst out, crossing his arms defiantly, glancing over to Akira as if waiting for him to retort aswell, but he didn't say a word. Goro glared at him and Akira finally opened his mouth hesitantly.

"I'm pretty sure we already share the same desire..." Akira gave a side glance to Goro to confirm and received a curt nod in return,
"Naturally." Justine looked between them again, her face conveying nothing.
"I wholeheartedly doubt this will work, but if you're so desperate you can try entering and see if the door allows it." Justine sighed, replacing her notepad under her arm and taking a step through the door, vanishing into the blue. What if the door didn't allow them both entrance... Goro had insisted he get the answers from the twins, but if that wasn't possible...

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