Chapter 6- Ramen

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He felt bad about rushing out so quickly, but was glad he had. Ryuji's face when he had seen him hadn't been something he had ever wanted to witness. Left any longer and he wasn't sure if he'd be on crutches by nightfall. Had Ryuji's day really been that bad?

The train ride to Ogikubo was passed with an intense rant from Ryuji about how 'shit the education system was' and an overly loud comment about using their position as phantom thieves to change those who were in charge's hearts.
"You can't say that in public, especially nowadays." He hissed quietly to Ryuji as a few passengers turned at the loud outburst.
"Shit! Guess I got carried away a bit." He coughed a little and opened his mouth again, obviously in an attempt to correct his mistake, "Yeah, I sure wish I could use my Mountain Skis more often?"

"Smooth. Real smooth, I couldn't tell the difference at all."
"Shut up. It was similar..." Ryuji he murmured under his breath, now very aware of the people staring at him. Akira chuckled and leaned against the wall of the moving train. Their stop was next. When the doors opened, Ryuji sprang from his spot and was gone in under a second. Akira followed after him at a speedy jog only stopping once he had made up the distance between them.

"Nothing better than nice jog to cool down the system, am I right?" Ryuji panted as Akira came into earshot.
"If you can call what you just did 'a jog' yeah sure." Ryuji frowned at him, but didn't make an effort to disagree with him.

It only took them a few minutes until they were seated at one of the smaller tables and had ordered.
"Man, I've been looking forward to this all day!" Ryuji exclaimed loudly, lolling back into the wooden backed bench he was seated on.
"Why was today so bad?" Ryuji didn't look up, but he heard a distinct groan as soon as he said it.
"Just been thinking, that's all." Ryuji began, "About this Akechi issue..." he elaborated when he realised Akira was staring at him intently, "just... don't you think it's real fishy? How he comes back after he most definitely died and magically he doesn't have the metanav? I mean, there's something not right about it. I say we get Futaba to tap it again, that way we can find out what he really wants."

Akira furrowed his brow and subconsciously began tapping the table lightly with his finger.
"You gotta give him a chance, that's why we're here," He gestured at the restaurant with his hand, "this is your bribe."
"Bribe?! You saying you're only coming here with me to make me give Akechi a second chance?!" This was only partially true, he did enjoy coming here with Ryuji, but the look on Ryuji's face was absolutely priceless. He raised his eyebrows high,
"Yeah, I thought that was obvious." He smiled when Ryuji hung his head solemnly and shook it.
"Not cool man, not cool."

His pocket buzzed rhythmically in his pocket and he pulled it out in interest.
"Who is it?" Ryuji asked, his head snapping back up in interest.

Akechi: you're with Sakamoto right?

"Ugh, speak of the devil! What does he want?" Ryuji muttered looking over the table at the sender. "What did you tell him you were with me for?" he said accusingly.
"It must be the detective deduction in him, I only said I was going out for ramen." Akira shrugged and typed a reply.

Akira: yes

Akechi: would you be able to ask him if I may help with the calling card?

"Hell no!" Ryuji exclaimed punching a hand to the table rather dramatically, "no effing way he's helping! I don't wanna be near that dude!" Akira glanced at him and then back at the phone.

Akira: Ryuji would love that

"What! No give me the phone!" Ryuji made a swipe for it and only missed because Akira swiftly retreated into the very back of his chair.

Will You Forgive Me? (Akechi x Akira)Where stories live. Discover now