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Chapter 1.

Back in my sophomore year of high school, I had been naïve and quite frankly, stupid.

It amazed me that even in all my painfully awkward banter and very questionable attempts to flirt, that I had ever managed to get a guy like Lucas Carters to like me. Him; a handsome, charismatic senior that was the varsity quarter back and loved by everyone. And me; the inexperienced sophomore who's only idea of what guys were like came from watching cheesy rom-coms.

The tips of my fingers traced the photo inside the tiny black frame, reminiscing on the memory of Luke and I at his graduation. His arms were wrapped around my torso protectively as he started to tickle my stomach: my weakest spot. We both had such genuine smiles. Anyone that saw the photo would have thought "what a perfect couple" or "they look so happy". And, in the heat of that very moment, we were just that. The perfect couple. A picture caught at the perfect time just moments before everything changed.

"We need to break up."

So much had changed in my life after those five little words left my mouth that day. Luke and I hadn't spoken or seen each other since. For months following the breakup I didn't talk to any guys outside of my family. Dylan and my dad were the only two that I talked to on a day-to-day basis. Dylan wasn't technically family, but he was practically a brother figure, so I counted him as such.

"I wonder if I ever cross your mind," I found myself whispering out loud as my thumb tapped lightly against the glass. The probability that Luke was still pining over me and the breakup two years later was as low as my chances of getting into an ivy league school.

There was no denying that Luke and I had a connection. I truly had fallen in love with him, and I was grateful that he had the titled of being my first boyfriend. But, looking back at everything now, knowing what I had in my current relationship with Ben, I knew that my relationship with Luke lacked the friendship. At the time it was everything that I had hoped for, but if I could go back and do it again, I would have gotten to know Luke better.

I shook my head, forced all the thoughts of Luke from my thoughts. I was just his old high school coach's daughter that he once dated. It was baffling how many memories came rushing back from an old photo frame.

I set the photograph back into the box that it came from and grabbed my phone from the floor next me. It was almost dinner time which meant that Dad would be home soon. On numb legs from sitting in the wrong position for too long, I stood from the floor and made the trek downstairs.

The front door swung open to reveal Dad holding a large bag of take out just as I reached the bottom step. "Perfect timing," I grinned as I made my way over to help him with the food.

It wasn't too often that Dad brought home take out instead of cooking, but considering as it was the last meal we would share together before I left, he felt it important to get my favorite dinner. Chinese.

Dad slipped the bag of food off of his fingers and onto mine, giving me a grateful smile. "Thanks Lilly."
"Not a problem."

He slipped off his sneakers and shut the door behind him while simultaneously shedding his bag. "How'd packing go today?" he asked, leading the two of us and the food, to the living room couch. "Did you finish?"

I mimicked my dad's actions of falling backward into the couch. "It wasn't as bad as I thought, and thankfully, it didn't take nearly as long. My car is all packed."

"Good. Glad to hear it."

Dad reached forward to the bag of food I had set on the coffee table. He pulled out a container of lo mien, thrusted it toward me. A soft smile lifted the corners of his lips, but it did little to hide the sadness in his eyes. "Your favorite."

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