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Chapter 29.
Once we went to my dad, mom and step-dad with the proof of Avery's psychotic torment, Avery was grounded. Big time. More importantly, she wasn't going to be bothering me anymore. I didn't quite convince my dad to go for a restraining order, but Avery was no longer welcome in his home unless she sought mental health counseling and had a major attitude adjustment towards me. My mom and step-dad had even cut their trip short so that Avery could stay with them for the remainder of break, Since I was no longer going to be rooming with her at school either, it meant that I was finally free, once and for all.

To celebrate, Kelsey invited our small group of friends over to her house for a party. It was just Kelsey, Zach, Cassie, Dylan, Luke, Madison, and I. I snuggled up next to Dylan on the couch, twining my fingers through his. It felt so right, and I wondered how I had been so oblivious for so long. Dylan was my best friend, and everyone knew that in the best relationships, your best friend and your boyfriend are one and the same. Dylan wrapped his arm around my shoulders, squeezing me lightly, and a grin spread across my face. How had I gotten so lucky?

Kelsey eyed the two of us, a small smile playing on the corners of her lips. "I guess I should probably come clean now," she said.

I froze, sitting up. She had said that once before, right before revealing a hare-brained scheme to get Luke and I together, one that had involved breaking Luke and Madison up, making Luke jealous of my friendship with Dylan, and ultimately, getting Luke to ask me out. I was getting a serious case of deja vu here. But surely not. No way would I have been stupid enough to miss another of Kelsey's matchmaking schemes. Right?

"Come clean about what?" I asked suspiciously, raising an eyebrow at her.

Kelsey drew in a deep breath. "Just promise me you won't hate me after this," she began.

I shrugged noncommittally. "I promise I won't hate you," I agreed. "But, I can't promise I won't be annoyed, irritated, or upset with you."

Kelsey smiled. "That's probably fair," she admitted. "Okay, so this all started way back in high school, the summer before senior year, when I noticed that you and my brother were awfully close friends, and would make the cutest couple ever. I thought you would get together on your own, but then you started dating Ben, and I backed off. I learned my lesson last time," she promised. "I didn't want anyone to get hurt by my meddling."

I laughed disbelievingly. "I appreciate that. But did you honestly want me and Ben to break up?"

Kelsey smiled sheepishly. "Sort of?" she said. "It was just so painfully obvious that he wasn't right for you. But I was good. I minded my own business, and waited for you to figure that out on your own."

"Get to the point, Kels," Dylan said beside me. "As much as I'm sure Lilly appreciates hearing about you not meddling in her dating life, you wouldn't be coming clean if you hadn't meddled somewhat."

I smiled at Dylan's words, snuggling my face into the crook of his neck and planting a soft kiss there.

"Eww, get a room!" Kelsey squealed. "Just because I think you two make a cute couple, it doesn't mean I want to watch my best friend make out with my brother."

Luke grinned at her. "I think you asked for it by meddling."

Kelsey shook her head, glaring playfully at me. "So anyways, as I was saying, I had decided to take the high road and not meddle. But then, you called me distraught because Dylan was dating Avery, and Ben had broken up with you, and I realized you desperately needed my help. So, I meddled. A little bit."

Kelsey's gaze swept over to Luke. "I knew I needed to get Dylan to break up with Avery, so I enlisted the help of Luke. He was already going to be at your school for a football game, so it worked out perfectly. Since they're so competitive with each other, I thought seeing you with Luke would make Dylan pretty jealous. Maybe even jealous enough to make him break up with Avery."

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