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I had a sneaky suspicion that my roommate hated me by how she had treated me the second she walked into our room, and after the embarrassing situation that unfolded last night, I was more than one hundred percent positive that she did.

She actually told me.

On the bright side, I finally learned her name. Avery Palmer.

What happened last night was truly one horrific mistake, surely Avery could see that, right? I would never have intentionally walked in on her, or anyone for that matter, having sex. It was my room too, and she never gave me a heads up that she was going to be having someone over. In my eyes, she was just as at fault as I was.

Regardless of whose fault it was though, the damage was done. Avery Palmer had officially declared her public hate for me.

It felt like that had to have been some kind of record. I mean I got my roommate to officially tell that she hated me within less than six hour since she first walked into our room.  That had to be a record.

"Where is this Avery girl now?" A sympathetic Kelsey asked through the FaceTime call. I hated to call her just to talk about all the problems I was already having with my roommate, but she was the only friend I felt that I could call for this. Dylan and Ben were both guys and wouldn't understand.

"I'm guessing avoiding the room since I'm here."

Avery left the room this morning rather abruptly and she didn't bother to tell me where she was going. Last night really put a damper on an already strained relationship. Whoever the guy was had left in a hurry last night and that mad Avery even more mad.

Kelsey frowned, her brown eyes lowering. "I'm sorry Lilly. It sucks to hear that your roommate already dislikes you."

I bit my lip. She more than disliked me. But, since I left out the part of last night to Kelsey, she'd probably think I was being over dramatic if I corrected her to hate.

"I feel like this whole college experience is off to the worst start," I admitted to her, setting my phone down on my bed and using the pop socket on the back to prop it up. "All I wanted was to have at the very least a neutral relationship with my roommate. Now she's gonna be at my throat all semester."

"Don't let her get to you. You know, she could just be like Madison was when you first met her." Kelsey paused, clearly trying to think of a way to make my situation not seem so bad. "You two ended up good friends."

I shook my head. It wasn't the same at all. Madison had a reason to hate my guts; I tried to steal her boyfriend. "She at least had a reason to hate me," I said with pout, voicing my thoughts. "Avery just straight up hates me."

Kelsey was silent, and in the background I could hear someone talking to her. I knew that meant she was going to be hanging up soon. "Have you tried to just have a conversation with her?"

Huh, I never would have thought to have tried that before.

"Yeah, the first time she walked into the room I tried to start up a friendly conversation and she shot me down instantly." As far as I was aware, I never did anything wrong except exist.

There was a sudden knock on my dorm room door that pulled my attention away from whatever Kelsey had started to say. I raised an eyebrow at Kelsey, confused as to who would be at the door and why. "Hold on one second, someone is here." I jumped off my bed and headed to the door, opening it half expecting to see Dylan.

It wasn't Dylan.

A tall, lean man stood before me. His black hair was styled in the pompadour cut and he was casually dressed in a black T-shirt with a pair of dark wash denim jeans. He offered a nervous smile, his dark brown eyes scanning past me to look in the room. "Hey, is Avery here?"

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