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Chapter 25.
The morning after my day out with Dylan, Avery practically skipped down to the kitchen for breakfast.

"You're in an unusually cheery mood this morning," I grumbled.

Avery smiled cruelly at me. "I'm just happy that one of those boys you brainwashed finally chose me," she gloated. "Ben's picking me up this morning for another date.

"Yesterday went well then?" I asked, genuinely curious.

Ben was actually a really nice guy, and I was more than a little surprised that Avery hadn't eaten him alive. I grimaced at the thought of him developing actual feelings for her. I shouldn't have cared, since I was completely over him, but still, the thought of anyone having to deal with the toxic personality that was Avery Palmer made me cringe. Oh well. If Ben was dumb enough to actually pursue a relationship with Avery, that was his problem. He had been warned.

Avery mistook my grimace for jealousy, which was probably just as well. If she went out with Ben again, that meant I would have another day free from Avery. Two in a row. I wasn't sure if it was luck, or a sign that my depressing life was finally starting to turn around. With any luck, Ben would break Avery's heart, if she even had one, and karma would finally give Avery the justice that had been coming for her for a long time.

Faced with an unexpected reprieve from Avery, I called Kelsey and Madison as soon as Avery had left with Ben, and invited them over. We would have the house to ourselves, since Dad was running errands, and I couldn't think of two more qualified people to help me figure out how to take care of Avery once and for all.

Madison arrived first, wrapping me in a hug as soon as she stepped through the door. "I heard Avery tried to blame you for making that stupid video of her go viral," she said. "Sweetie, I'm so sorry. I had no idea our stupid little prank would get you in so much trouble."

I shrugged. "At least Dad believed I didn't actually post the video. He was originally going to ground me for the rest of my life because he thought I was cyber bullying. What I don't understand is how Avery even got the video in the first place."

Madison cringed. "I might have an idea," she said, frowning. "I sent it to Dylan, because he thought it was funny and he asked me to."

I frowned. "Do you think Dylan sent it to Avery?" I asked, feeling oddly betrayed at the thought.

Madison shook her head. "Of course not. But if she used Dylan's phone to text Ben, she could easily have sent the video to herself to use for future blackmail purposes."

"Yeah, I don't think it's blackmail since she didn't really try to extort anything from me. She just wanted to ruin my life."

"Eh, same difference," she said.

When Kelsey arrived, we headed upstairs to my bedroom, shutting the door behind us in case my dad or Avery came home earlier than I was expecting them to.

"Okay, what are we going to do about the Avery problem?" Kelsey demanded. "I honestly thought you were being dramatic about how bad she is, but if anything, she's worse."

I smirked. "Thanks for the vote of confidence," I said dryly. "I told you she was evil."

"Well, yeah, but you also have a tendency to over exaggerate sometimes," Kelsey said, shrugging. "I assumed there was some hyperbole involved. And, it turns out I was wrong. So now we need to figure out how to help you get rid of her."

I made a face. "Considering she's my stepsister? I don't think I'll ever be rid of her completely."

Madison rolled her eyes. "Details, details," she said. "Okay, so maybe she'll be in your life to some degree. What we really need is a way to prove to your parents that she's not as sweet as she acts. That way, they'll understand why you don't want to be besties with her."

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