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Chapter 17.
Final exams were going to be the death of me. After Thanksgiving, all of my professors seemed to realize that we were almost to the end of the semester, and started rushing to get all of the course materials covered in the last couple weeks of class. That meant that even though Dylan and I had pretty much reconciled, there was no time to hang out, because I was literally drowning in homework. It also meant that I didn't have time to wonder what, if anything, was going on between me and Luke.

On a positive note, Avery had pretty much ignored me since Thanksgiving. Now that she didn't have Dylan to hold over me, she had trouble getting under my skin. It was refreshing, because for once, Avery was all bark and no bite. I didn't have to worry about her stealing my best friend from me, and so she was no longer a threat. With any luck, Avery would continue to ignore me until the end of the semester. I had already submitted a room change request, so starting next semester, I would have a new roommate, and would be rid of Avery once and for all.

It was the first week of December, one week before finals started, and I was sitting at my desk in my dorm room trying to finish my final paper for English when my phone vibrated. I glanced down and noticed with surprise that it was a text message from Luke.

Luke | 5:25
Hi. When are you done with finals? I'm excited
to see you.

Lilly | 5:26
My last final is December 18th.

Luke | 5:26
Darn. That's a week later than me. Maybe
I'll come visit you sooner.

Lilly | 5:27
You should. I'd like to see you. Plus there's an end
of finals holiday dance we could go to.

Luke | 5:27
It's a date then.

I stared at the message, wondering if it was actually a date date, or if Luke was just saying it as a phrase or something. Had I just asked Luke out? My phone buzzed a minute later with another message from Luke.

Luke | 5:29
If I'm going to be visiting you, is it cool if I
stay with you? Otherwise, I can see if Dylan
will let me crash at his place.

Lilly | 5:30
I guess that's fine, as long as you don't mind sleeping
on the floor and dealing with Avery.

Luke | 5:30
If it means seeing you? I'll be fine. I can
handle Avery.

After that, it was pretty much impossible for me to focus on my paper, so when Dylan texted to see if I wanted to go out for pizza with him, I didn't hesitate. I needed the distraction, and I needed my best friend to help me sort through what was going on between me and Luke. Dylan knew us both better than almost anyone. If anyone could help me determine if Luke still liked me, it was Dylan.

Twenty minutes later, I was settled in a booth across from Dylan at our favorite pizza place in town, and I was able to fully relax for the first time that week. Something about Dylan just put me at ease. He was so easy to talk to and fun to be around.

"How are finals treating you?" he asked.

I groaned. "I am so ready for this semester to be over," I complained. "It's like all of my professors are trying to fit two more months of work into the last two weeks of class. I barely have time to do anything but study."

Dylan nodded. "Same. It's crazy how laid back the entire semester is until Thanksgiving, and then right after Thanksgiving, it's pretty much nonstop work until the holidays. On the plus side, we get three weeks off of school, so that will be nice."

I nodded. "I'm so excited to see Kelsey again, and have some time to catch up with her. Being at different schools sucks. We almost never have time to really talk anymore."

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