Gabriel's POV

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"Goddamn all these fuckers being so fucking slow" I grumbled under my breath. We were suppose to get some free time today after having done missions for uncle Phil all week, but that didn't last long as me and my brothers are sent down into the forest at the east side of the city to see if we can find anything suspicious going around. Normally our castle scouts would be the ones to check the surroundings and make sure that no harmful animals would be luring around in our land, but with all them helping the Toma-team, securing their borders for this week, Uncle phil had no choice but to send out my brothers and I. As the Toma-team are the princes of the kingdom boarding up to ours, they tend to help out Uncle Phil whenever they have the time and with the amount of time we tend to spend with each other it is no surprise how quickly we all became great friends, well except North and Raven...

Anyway, another thing about the Tomas is that they are all sharing one bird, following tradition of multiple heirs. You see our lands don't believe in the first born wins it all, no all children share it all, but we all grew up specialized in our own areas. For example, for me it is arts and crafts department that I am specialized in, so clothing, paintings etc. So when we get crowned as kings that will be my main priority while Sean, my brother, will be focusing on our health care systems and will take over the main control of our hospitals from Uncle Phil, while Luke will be taking over our farms, markets and anything food related from Uncle Bob. It's great how we each get an area to focus on but we are still involved in the countries economics, meetings, paperworks and all that kind of stuff, just some are more than others.

Anyway, my point was that the Tomas are all sharing one bird and so will my brothers and I soon. Our Uncles are all holding a ball tomorrow evening where all the eligible young women of our country will be invited. The plan is for us all to find our soulmate at the ball. You see it is very rare for someone to find their soulmate. But it has been more common for the royal families around the world to find their soulmates, these last couple hundred years. The problem with soulmates is that you only get one hint and that's it, nothing more. The hint? Well, it's a vision upon first skin-to-skin contact. Cliché I know, but that's how it has always been and also where the tradition of sharing one bird came from. It's crazy, but if you think about it, it's the best solution for royalty. Since kings are always busy with work, their queen would be alone, but with multiple husbands there would always be someone with her. But as I was saying, if we don't find our soulmate at the ball, then we will have a week to travel to other kingdoms to try and find her or a potential fiancé, one we all will want to marry.

For the Toma-team, well they got lucky. Because the kings and the queen had been pushing them towards marrying Princess Kayli, as they hadn't found their soulmate yet and were all approaching mid-twenties. But as they were on their way to unwillingly court the horribly snobby princess that we all hated. They stumbled upon her, their soulmate.

She had been gathering apples and flowers at the outskirts of the kingdom, when she had stepped into the road without looking around her and Corey on his horse was just about to hit her. It had ended with Corey falling of his horse trying to avoid her and her dropping her baskets to run over to him to make sure he was alright. Upon contact as held out her hand to help him up, he had gotten a vision of their future together and her likewise. It became love within minutes and they returned to their castle and informed their parents who were ecstatic for them and everything with Kayli was quickly called off to everyone's relief. Although I have only met Chloe once, the love that shone between them was strong enough that even a blind man would be able to see it.

Shaking my head, I refocus on my surroundings and see that my brothers are all still behind me, even Luke that motherfucker. Is it so bad that I just want to get this over with so I can get back to the castle, to make sure that Doc hasn't fucked anything up or touched anything while I am away. Apparently yes, yes it is, because these slow fuckers are making it very difficult for me to get back to the castle fast. Having had enough, I yell at them to hurry the fuck up one last time, before moving ahead on my own. I only get to take a few steps before I am walking through a tree-line and stepping into a beautiful little meadow, but the thing that catches my attention almost as soon as I step into it. It isn't some fucking pretty flower or something no it is the beautiful swan floating around in the little pond in the middle of the fucking meadow. I step closer to get a better look at the swan and when I am at the start of the pond I stop and realize that it looks to be sleeping, so what do I do being the fucking asshole that I Gabriel Coleman is known to be? Well I simply decide to yell for my fucking slow ass brothers.

"Oy! you fuckers, there a big white bird in the water over here! Get your fucking slow asses over here!"

As soon as the words are out of my mouth, I see that I have woken up the swan and I swear I forget how to breath for a second as the swan's eyes open and it moves its head up to look at me and as I am focussed on its beautiful green eyes. It seems to realize someone is in front of it and it is probably startled if I had to go by the way it jerks away from me and opens its mouth to honk and flies a meter away from me. Just as I am about to reach my hand out to it, the slowest motherfuckers in the world decides to show up. Turning my attention away from the Swan, I focus on my stupid brothers as they begin to discus *cough* yell *cough* North* about the wild swan and how stupid and unsafe it would be to get close to it. One thing led to another and soon we were all discussing in a slightly higher tone than normal. But hey, these are my brothers and we are all used to it anyway. Honestly I don't really know what happened after as it is all kind of a blur for me. I know that Luke and I were successful in grabbing the swan and getting it on land, but as we tried to pet it, it flinched away from us. Clearly it is not used to human contact like cats and dogs are. But of course I wouldn't let that stop but and one thing lead to another and before I know it, Luke and I are sitting cuddled up with this cute non harmful swan, thank you very much North. It's feathers are so soft, like how! I didn't know that swan feathers would be soft. I thought that they would slightly poky or something like that. Somehow it ended with my brothers also petting or playing with the swan before we needed to head home after some hours at the meadow. But for some weird reason I wanted to return to the meadow to spend more time with the swan.

Looking back at it now when we are almost back at the castle it seems unrealistic the time that we have just spent with the swan. Walking up beside my best friend and brother Luke, I puff his shoulder lightly getting his attention.

"What up Gabe!? Got anything crazy on your mind? I was just thinking about if you should have a chocolate fountain tomorrow at the ball, what do you think?!" Luke whispered looking cautiously ahead making sure that the health nut North didn't hear him. I scoff slightly, wanting to agree to his idea but the little swan is still stuck on my mind. So I do the only thing I can do and ask a very important question that I have a feeling will have a big change on our lives.

"Do you think we can get everyone to come with me back to the meadow tonight after our duties are over? I mean, I just get a feeling that there's someone different about that swan and I am sure that you felt it as well and surely Mr.B will want to know about it and have a look at it."   I said raising my voices slightly so the others and can hear me too. And when I look up from the ground that I have been staring at while asking my question I see me brother looking at me and all nodding slightly, while Luke is just jumping around and smiling like a slightly crazy person. 

Well shit, that was easier than expected, looks like we are going back to the meadow tonight..

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