Do you love me?

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Shannon's POV

I grabbed my phone and walked out the room.

I sat down on the couch in the living room and I started to text.

And then someone walked in. I looked up, it was Sam.

"Who are you texting?" he asked.

"no one." I said.


"No one." I repreated.

Sam rolled his eyes.

I stood up and walked into the kitchen. I got some Arizona, then I felt someone's arms around my waist, it was Trevor.

He started to kiss my neck.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Just loving the love of my life." He said, in between kisses.

"Trevor, we are only 15....."


"15 year olds, don't have 'a love of their life' Trev"

"But I do."

I walked away, I sat on the couch and Trev sat next to me.

He put his arm around me and said, "Do you love me?"

I nodded and said, "Of corse I do."

"You don't seem like you do..."

"I do, Trev, I do"

He sighed.

I put my head on his shoulder, and we watched tv.

A/N: AWWW Why did trev ask that?

QOTD: What's your fav ice cream flavor?

AOTD: Double chocolate chip cookie dough

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