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Shannon's POV

I heard my phone ding.

I let go of Trevor's hands and took my phone out of my back pocket.

I turned on my phone and it lit up. I read the text.

Nash: CMON babe, once UR done, come outside... It's time for our first date.😉

I sighed. Texted Nash back with an 'ok' and then shut my phone off.

I put my phone back in my back pocket.

"I'll see you later...." I said.

"Bye ba- Shannon." Trevor said.

"Goodbye Trevor." I said and walks out of the room.

Before I left the room I looked over my shoulder.

"I hope you feel better." I said.

Trevor fake smiled and I forced a smile, then left the room.

A/N: I'm so bored.... Thank god for fanfics

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