Nice Restaurant

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*At the table at the restaurant*

Shannon's POV

Trevor kept looking at his surroundings. I giggled at how cute he looked, and the excitement on his face.

"Trevor, babe, come on." I said and held his hand.

He looked at me. "Yea?"

"Calm down, it's a nice restaurant."

"Speaking of the restaurant, how did you even get us in here?"

"I know some people."


"You know how I've been on the phone so much?"

"Yea? What does that have to do with any of this?"

"That's how I got us here."

He had disapointment on his face. "Why do you look so down?" I asked.

"Because now I feel bad."

"Awww don't feel bad babe." I said and kissed him across the table.

"Okay." he said quietly.

I smiled and sat back down.

A/N: Do you like Shan or Trev's POV more?? Which one would you like to read more often?

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