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okay so I was gonna update on Friday like I said I would but I forgot....
Also I'm really bad at chapters names :'(
Any way enjoy this chapter I guess... ^_^
"You've done it this time," Soph says. "Since when did you smoke anyway?"
"I told you this was the 1st time," I answer. We are sitting out side the principal's office, mum and dad are in side.
"Well if you're gonna do stuff like this you need to learn how not to get caught," she says smiling.
"I'm fine," I say.
"Baby sister you are clearly not fine," she says as she pats my hair. I hate it when she does that and she's knows it, I also hate that she gets away with every thing and she knows that too.
"Alice you can come in now." I Hear Mr. Rolcans the school principal call. I go in and sit down between mum and dad.
"Now Alice we're not saying this is in any way your fault and we don't want to put presser on you. But you have to tell us who the other kids were that you were with." Mr. Rolcans says.
"Why?" I ask.
"Well Alice, they seem like the kind of people we don't want you around so we would like to talk to them," he answers "at least tell us what school they go to."
"They don't go to school." I answer quickly with out looking up.
"How old are they?" He asks. I don't answer.
"How did you meet these people?" Mum asks. I don't answer.
"Does Sophie know?" Dad asks. I don't answer.
"Sophia can you come in please?" Mr. Rolcans calls out. She comes in, dad gives up his seat so she can sit and she sits down. "Now Sophia, do you know anything about the people that Alice was with?"
She looks at me.
I give her a pleading look.
"No sir," she says looking him right in the eyes.
"Very well," he says
Of course Soph knows who there are, or at least she's knows who Josh is. I met him at her best friends party. She thinks he's a dick head and she's told me that lots of times but, she know how i mean to him and he's means to me.
She's kicks me softly under Mr. Rolcans desk. I know what she wants. That wasn't a playful kick, it was a you owe me kick. I kick her back to say okay.
"Well Alice if your not going to tell us we will have to blame you and if we blame you, you know what will happen," Mr. Rolcans says.
"Really?! Your suspended?" Tom says calming in the window. "That's like the 4th one this term."
"Yeah I know," I say.
"Who caught you?" He asks.
"Miss Brunend," I say. "She must of been on her lunch break or something."
"Oooo she would of yelled so loud." He says.
"TOMMY!" Soph yells as she opens the door.
"SOPHIE!" He yells back. His eyes light up.
"Guys shut up! I'm not aloud anyone over," I say.
"Al don't worry. Mum and Dad went out, I'm in charge," Soph says. "So Thomas, how you going?"
"I'm okay," he says.
"That's good," she's says. "You need to come over more. I haven't seen you in ages,"
"You saw him last week," I say to myself.
"I know right!" Tom say back, smiling.
"Okay you two cut it out, now Soph did you come in here for a reason or not?" I ask.
"I did actually," she's says. "I can in to ask who the other people you were with were, I mean I know josh was one of them but, who were the others?"
"Oh they were his friends, a boy and a girl. That was the 1st time I've ever met them," I answer.
"What and he just stood there while they made you smoke?" She's asks.
"They didn't make me." I say pissed off.
"Even so, he should of stopped you." She's says.
"Sophie get out of my room." I hiss.
"It's not her fault he's a dick. Tom says.
"Both if you out right now," I say.
"Alice," Tom says.
"I said get the fuck out!" I yell crying
Ooooooo Alice is mad... What's she gonna do? I KNOW BUT YOU DON'T AHAHAHAHAHA.
In other news this has over 100 reads and that's maddddd asf.
NEXT CHAPTER WILL BE UP ON FRIDAY I AM 1273736666699969696969696969696969% SRS.
Point out any spelling and or grammar mistakes if you see them.
Ummm okay ILY
stay safe

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