Chapter 4

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Dakotas POV

I can't believe she kicked me out. I have only about $30 cash, a few pair of clothes, a little bit of food, and my beaten up skateboard. I don't have anyone's house I can stay at and I don't know where to go. I understand why she kicked me out and all but she could have at least put me in a foster home or something but just kicking me out at 16 and her expecting me to just know where to go, what to do, and how to live like this, is unbelievable.

I just rode around town on my skateboard for awhile and I was just lost in my thoughts. Sooner or later it had gotten dark and I didn't even realize it.

I guess I should go find somewhere to sleep for tonight then, I thought to myself. As I was looking around for a place to sleep I felt a body hit me and knock me off my skateboard and onto my butt.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry I didn't see you there. Here let me help you up." A tall blonde boy said in a worried tone

" no I'm alright thanks though." I ignored his help up and got up on my own then I got my skateboard and started to ride away.

"Hey wait up, what's your name." The boy said to me, getting onto his skateboard and catching up to me.

I said nothing.

"Well what's your name."

More silence.

"Oh come on. Please tell me."

"I'd rather not." I said in a blunt voice

"Why not? I'm not a bad guy. Don't be so mad at me because I accidentally ran into you." He scuffed

" I really don't give a fuck that you ran into me." I huffed in annoyance

"Then tell me your name and we could hang out or be friends or something." He said with a grin on his face like he just thought of a million dollar idea.

"I'd rather drink bloody toilet water."

"Ok.... Well why are you out here at night by your self."

He asked way to many questions.

"That's for me to know and for you to never find out, dickhead."

"Geez you didn't have to be so rude."

"If you don't like it then go away."

"Whatever. Sorry again for bumping into you. See you around." He said in a lower voice

"Probably not dickhead." And with that I rode off.


I found a park and decided on sleeping in the slide that night.

When I woke up I heard kids screaming around me and babies crying so I slid down the slide and started to walk out of the park. Parents were giving me dirty looks as I passed them. So I just flipped them all off and walked away. They all just huffed and stormed off.

It was a little chilly because winter was approaching. So I got out my jacket, put it on and started to ride trying to find a little store so I could eat and take a piss. I would have gone at the park but I didn't need those parents calling the cops on me. It's too early for that.

I rode for a little while before I found a seven eleven. I picked up my skateboard and walked in. The ring of the door signaled I walked in. A few heads popped up to see who walked in but they all soon just went back to whatever they were doing.

"Hey where's the bathroom." I asked the guy at the register

" go down isle 3, take a left, then go to the end of the hall and take a right." He said in a monotone voice. He looked tired like he just go out of bed.


He half-heartily smiled in return.

I took the directions I was given and finally found the bathroom.

I did my business, washed my hands, and walked out. While I was walking out I bumped into someone.

"Oh my go- Oh it's you. What are you doing here dickhead."


Sorry such a shitty chapter. Can you guys maybe vote or comment something please. Thx


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