Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

I woke up to my phone going off, a lot. I jolted up and turned down my ringer but the sounds wouldn’t stop! I finally opened my twitter to see what all of the commotion was about...

Pictures, tweets, words, so many things going at once. I clicked on the picture that was going around… It was me and Charles hugging from yesterday in the Starbucks parking lot. I clicked off the app and I got a call , I picked up immediately.

“Charles! What’s happening?” I yelled.

“Calm down Ana, I’ll be there in 10 minutes” He said.

“No! I need answers now!” I yelled again. But he hung up on me.


About 10 minutes later there was a knock at my door. I didn’t even hesitate to open it. Charles came walking through.

“What’s happening?” I said sternly.

“Remember yesterday when I hugged you?” I nodded in response. “Well somebody… I guess took a picture of us, and they are now thinking that we are together.” He took out his phone.

“Well tell them we are not!” I yelled.

“Ana… What’s so wrong with this? It’s nothing bad.” He said.

“Well I tried to tell you something yesterday but guess what! You didn’t listen.” I yelled again, pissed off at the world.

“I’m sorry about that, but you’re just going to have to ignore what they say.” Charles said calmly. How can he be calm?!

“Well I guess it’s important to tell you now… Charles. This is something you can NEVER! Speak to ANYONE about” I said sternly . I can’t believe I’m telling him this…

“I swear to god…” He said.

“Charles… I am apart of a secret service of agents. I’m not working right now but if my identity gets compromised I’m screwed. I will have to change my name, move to a different country and forget about my past life. Everything’s wrong!”


I woke up in a cold sweat, shaking. I checked my phone, 11 am.  

Hidden Dreamer ~A Charles Trippy Fanfic~Where stories live. Discover now