Speak to me

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I quickly open it thinking it was KD.

"Jae." I state frozen

Jae didn't say anything, he just pulled me into him and wrapped his arms around me.

I was feeling so many things right now but I sure as hell wasn't dizzy anymore.

"Sevyn." He whispers and licks my lips seductively with his tongue.

He pushes me into the wall and gropes my ass. Breathing heavily into his mouth, trying to suppress a moan.

"Sevyn." He repeats

I couldn't find the words to respond.

"Sevyn." He kisses my lips gently.

"Sevyn, answer me."

Our lips slowly lock with each other's. His large hand rubs my pussy through my shorts.


I jump awake breathing heavily. Somi was beside me and Jae was nowhere to be found.

"I come home and you're passed out on the floor. Too tired to make it to your bed?" She chuckles

I roll my eyes and stand up.

"KD told me about what happened last night and that he dropped you off. I'm sorry I wasn't there." She apologizes

"It's cool, I'm fine now." I breathe

So Jae wasn't really here and I was starting to think these pills were more than just Chamomile...


Sevyn's POV

"Come in." KD's voice instructs

I walk in and close the door.

"Hello, beautiful." He smiles

I walk up to his desk and slam the empty pill bottle down.

"I need more." I state

"Damn Sevyn! I just gave you these like 2 weeks ago. How many are you taking in a day?!" He asks looking up at me in disbelief

"Like 5 or 6...whenever my anxiety gets bad."

"Sevyn...how does your anxiety feel?"

"I start to get dizzy, irritated, I start to shake sometimes too." I answer

"Fuck." He mumbles

"Sevyn...those weren't really chamomile tablets." He starts

"What the fuck do you mean?!" I question

"It was Adderall...it helps you focus and-"

"I know what the fuck Adderall is! KD are you fucking kidding me?! This is like giving me meth!" I say

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