Chapter 10: Birthday Surprise

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I just wanted to first thank you all for making this story such a big success! I've only started around a month ago and it's got 750 views! You guys are absolutely amazing <3 Enjoy!

(2161 Words)


Harry woke up feeling slightly chilly. When he opened his eyes, he saw that he was in fact not the one that hogged the blanket that night. He gave a small snort, got out of bed, and made his way downstairs for breakfast.

Kreacher was standing in front of the portrait of Sirius' mother, murmuring to it and dusting it.

"Kreacher," said Harry in a sleepy voice. Kreacher spun around.

"Master Harry?"

"Breakfast for two."

"As you wish, Master Harry," Kreacher responded as he bowed his head slightly. Harry crashed on the couch, let out a yawn, and picked up the nearest book.

After a moment, he heard the door upstairs open and footsteps coming down. Harry set down the book and smiled as Severus entered the living room.

"Someone slept well," said Harry. Severus scratched the back of his head.

"I didn't realize I took the whole blanket," he muttered. Harry grinned.

"Kreacher's making breakfast. Come sit," said Harry, indicating the spot right next to him. Severus strode over and sat, putting an arm around Harry. Harry snuggled into him.

"D'you know what today is?" Harry asked without looking up.

"I would be a horrible boyfriend if I didn't."

"Why haven't you wished me happy birthday, then?"

Severus looked down at him and Harry looked up. He kissed him on the forehead and said, "Because I have a surprise."

Harry gave him a look of disbelief. "You... what?"

"Have a surprise."

"What is it?" Harry asked without breaking eye contact.

"Not telling you," said Severus with a smirk.

"Why?" Harry said in an exasperated voice

"Well, that's what surprises are for, aren't they? Not telling the other person?"

Harry playfully slapped him on the cheek, and the tips of Severus' lips lifted slightly.

"Why is Kreacher taking so long?" Harry asked.

"Doing what?"

"I asked him to make breakfast for two."

"Breakfast for two?"

"Uhh... yeah. Why?"

Severus suddenly sat up. "I'll be right back."

Harry sighed at the loss of contact but stayed put.

Severus returned about a few seconds after he left.

"What happened?" Harry asked.

"Nothing," Severus replied. He plopped onto the couch beside Harry again and gently stroked his hair. Harry thought he would never want to be anywhere else but here again, in this position. After a while, he spoke without looking up.

"What do I tell Ron and Hermione?"

"What do you mean, tell them?"

"They don't know."

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