Chapter 12: Drunk Confessions

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I just wanna start off by recommending y'all a song. It's called Train Wreck by James Arthur, and it's honestly the most beautiful song I've ever heard <3

I'm sorry for not updating yesterday, I had some things to do.

(1180 Words)


Harry awoke at midnight, still in the same position. He cracked open his eyes to find that his vision was slightly blurred. He let out a long sigh and sat up. The cut on his arm had dried out, so Harry left it as it was.

He cracked the door open and slipped out of his room to find that Severus' door was closed. He figured he was in his room, so he silently made his way downstairs.

He entered the living room with quiet steps. On the table was quite a few empty bottles of firewhiskey, some tipped over on the table and some on the floor.

Harry figured Kreacher had a few drinks, and without looking backwards, sat in the arm chair.

But it felt different. Warmer, much more comfortable, but different. Harry spun around to find that his face was inches away from a sleeping Severus. He shot off of the chair, which seemed to wake Severus up.

He cracked open one eye, and looked Harry up and down.

"Harryyyyy," he said in a drowsy voice very unlike his own.

Harry didn't realize that his face was completely red. His eyes met Severus', who was looking at him like he was a mountain of gold.

"C'mere, beautiful."

"You're drunk," Harry responded curtly.

"Drunk? Hahahahahah," Severus said in a mechanical voice. He patted his lap. "Come back. I wanna tell you a story."

Harry examined him for a few long minutes.

"C'mon! Won't hurt, precious. I won't hurt you."

Harry made sure his wand was in reach, and decided it wasn't a good idea to say no. He slowly stepped forward, and found it very hard to willingly sit on his lap.

Strong fingers enclosed around his arm, and before Harry could jerk away, Severus pulled him onto his lap.

"There you go, beautiful."

Harry internally screamed.

Severus put him into a position where his legs were around Severus', and their faces were inches away.

"Once upon a tiiiiiime," Severus started with goofy grin. This was the first time Harry saw Severus grin, and it was beautiful. But he decided not to comment.

"A lil' baby named Severus Snape was born from his mommy. He had black hair, and black eyes, just like his mommy!"

Harry resisted the urge to laugh. But suddenly, Severus stopped grinning.

"Severus' dad was a bad person. He bullied Severus' mom and him. Severus did not like him. Severus locked himself in his room for the whole day. Severus almost never ate. Severus' mom would once in a while bring him food, but then she would leave him. Severus lived a very lonely life as a child.

"But then Severus met Lily Evans. Lily Evans changed Severus' life. Lily Evans showed him what caring for someone was like. Lily Evans would always make little Severus feel better when he didn't feel good. Lily Evans made Severus happy.

"But Severus made a bad, bad mistake one day."

And without warning, Severus' eyes filled with tears.

"Severus called Lily Evans a very bad thing," Severus choked. "Severus regrets it to this day. Lily Evans left Severus, and found the love of her life."

Harry watched Severus with careful eyes.

"Severus let her go. Severus wanted Lily Evans to be happy. Severus was not a good friend. Severus was bad, just like Severus' father."

Harry lifted his hand and gently wiped the tears that shone on Severus' pale face.

"Severus was so devastated, so convinced of his horribleness that he joined the Death Eaters. Severus immediately felt that he belonged with them, that being horrible was who he was. And so he joined them when they terrorized. He joined them when they killed."

At this point, Severus was shaking.

"Voldemort ordered Severus to teach at Hogwarts. And so, Severus did.

"Severus was very, very bad to the children he taught. Severus knew he must live up to everyone's expectations. Severus knew everyone expected him to be just like his father."

And then he completely broke down. His usually pale face became red, and tears streamed form his dark eyes.

"S-Severus overheard the p-prophecy, and Severus told his m-master about it. His m-master told S-Severus that the p-prophecy was r-referring to the Potters.

"Severus panicked. Severus didn't know what to do. Severus knew that Lily Evans had a child with James Potter. Severus knew that their family was in danger. So Severus warned Albus Dumbledore.

"B-but Voldemort was not to be stopped. H-he apparated to G-Godric's Hollow a-and-"

His voice broke down.

"Severus was a bad person. Severus was never to be trusted. Severus always hurt those he cared about. Severus was the reason Lily Evans died. Severus was a bad person.

"But then Severus met Harry Potter. Harry Potter had the exact same eyes as his mother. Harry Potter had dark hair. Severus immediately fell for him. Severus did everything in his power to protect Harry Potter. Severus knew that Voldemort had possessed Harry Potter's mind, so Severus never grew close to Harry Potter. He pretended to detest him, put Harry Potter in detention for no reason, removed points from Harry Potter. All to protect Harry Potter.

"Harry Potter grew into a man. Harry Potter never betrayed his friends, Harry Potter was honest, and Harry Potter was damn beautiful. Severus Snape fell in love with Harry Potter. Severus Snape will love Harry Potter until the day he dies. Severus Snape will never leave Harry Potter's side, will never betray him like he did to his mother, will never turn his back to Harry Potter. Because Severus Snape is a new person now. A better person. And Severus Snape will continue to be a better for the rest of his life, because Severus Snape is not his father. Severus Snape's name is not Tobias Snape. Severus is a better person than his father."

And the whole house grew quiet. The only noise that could be heard was Severus' heavy breathing.

Harry stared into the eyes of the man he loved so much. They stared right back through the layer of tears.

"It doesn't matter that Harry Potter has the Defence Against the Dark Arts job. As long as Harry Potter is happy, I am happy. As long as Harry Potter is mine, I am his."

It was evident that Severus was not drunk anymore. It had obviously worn off throughout the story.

Harry was at a loss for words. He just stared into Severus' eyes. He wished he could stay like this forever. Cuddled up into the warm body of Severus, forever looking into his soft eyes. He never felt more at home, even in Hogwarts.

"I love you, Harry Potter," Severus whispered. "And I always will. I will never stop loving you, even if it means my death."

Harry's throat burned. Tears dripped out of his own emerald green eyes.

"I love you too, Severus Snape."

Severus gently pulled Harry into a hug, and Harry snuggled into his chest. Severus fell asleep first, his warm breath tickling Harry's neck. He smiled into Severus' chest, and slowly drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

aren't they just too cute

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