Chapter 17: Problems With the Malfoys

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Unedited version was accidently published first. Sorry guys.

(2146 Words)

Preparations for the upcoming term were going smoothly. Harry finally finished decorating his classroom, sorting the lessons and such. Now he just had to wait.

Severus, on the other hand, still had lots of potions to make.

Severus sat behind his desk in the infamous dungeon classroom, silently stirring a mixture in his cauldron. Harry had pulled up a desk, and was sitting across from Severus, watching. He examined the long, delicate fingers that gracefully stirred the solution inside the cauldron. He imagined those same fingers around his body, caressing Harry's skin-

When Severus saw Harry staring, he chuckled. "Don't you have things to do?"

"I would rather be here."

"I don't doubt it. Today is the 31st of August, however, and you need to hurry."

"I've already finished everything, to be frank. My room is decorated and the lessons are planned. I have all the materials for the lessons ready too. So," Harry shrugged. "I'm here."

"I'm impressed," Severus responded without looking up. Harry grinned.

Suddenly, the door of the dungeon crashed open, and a boy with a pale, pointed face and perfect white hair stepped inside.

"Snape!" The voice of Draco Malfoy yelled. Harry's head shot towards the direction of the voice, and he slowly put a hand to his forehead.

"Hello, Draco," Severus said coolly. He did not look up. Draco sprinted to the desk.

"You lying- you sneaking traitor-"

Harry stood up.

"Watch it," he growled. Draco looked from Harry to Severus and his face morphed into a look of confusion.

"What the hell is Potter doing here? Scared to be on your own, now that the remaining Death Eaters on the loose are looking for you?" Draco sneered. Severus finally looked up, and examined Draco with cold eyes. Draco glared right back almost equally coldly, but Severus was too good for him.

"Harry, please give me and Draco a moment."



Harry looked from Severus to Draco, a look of worry on his face. He slipped off of his desk, left the classroom without closing the door, dug into his pocket, took out his invisibility cloak, threw it on, and quietly slipped back inside. Severus was standing, his hands behind his back, and Draco's face was almost inhuman with rage.

"-and then just so you could get cleared, you cheat on my father! He's in Azkaban, Salazar Slytherin knows for how long! How'd you feel if I went over to the ministry and told them everything I saw? I saw you and Voldemort, side by side, destroying homes. I saw you-"

"Enough." The icy edge on Severus' voice shut Draco up. He examined Draco with cold eyes. "I did what had to be done. Your father spoke to me privately on matters I will not discuss with you, but these matters were serious and had to be spoken of to the ministry."

"Matters you won't discuss with me?" Draco spat. "You're looking at Lucius Malfoy's son. He trusts me."

"Certainly. That's why he kept from you and Narcissa that he is a queer."

Draco's face went blank. "A queer?" He whispered. Severus continue to stare at him.

"Rubbish," Draco whispered. "Rubbish," he said more loudly. "My father is no queer. Him and my mother love each other."

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