Twenty three

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"Stop being a twat and stand up" said a deep voice from the door. Everyone's eyes snapped int hat direction.

Lucas's head snapped round to face the door, a tall built man with dark hair walked in. Lucas stood up and looked over at Maya, her eyes were glued to the man slowly walking into the living room.
"Maya did I not warn you?" He spoke, his voice was extremely deep, but he seemed amused by seeing everyone confused and frightened.
"Maya who's that?" Lucas asked very confused but she just continued to look at the man, not saying a word. Lucas could see her blue eyes gloss over, but no tears escaped.
"Ryan?" He spoke quietly, seeing Maya's eyes move to his own and she nod slightly.

"Right okay can everyone go into the kitchen!" Lucas spoke, worried about whether or not he was gonna have to break a guys face in front of a whole load of 2 year olds. One of the moms picked up London and followed the rest of them into the kitchen area.

Lucas stood tall in front of Maya, he could hear her breathing had gotten heavier. When he looked up at Ryan he had smug grin on his face.

"Babe I though I'd get a better welcoming than this" he smiled, looking round Lucas to see Maya, her eyes looking down at the floor "do I not get a kiss?"

When he stepped closer Lucas pushed him back with force, causing him to stumble back and fall into one of the chairs
"Ooo he's rough, you always liked it when I was rough with you" he smirked and Lucas heard Maya hiccup behind him. "he's a bit to pretty though don't you think, you always said you didn't want a pretty boy"

Maya mumbled an almost inaudible "shut up" before Ryan stood up, anger covering his whole face.

"Where's my daughter?" he snapped, walking right up to Lucas and grabbing Maya's arm "I'm taking her she's mine, I made it very clear she is not have anyone else as a father and you ignored me"

"Get the fuck of off her" Lucas growled, grabbing Ryan by the neck and walking forwards effortlessly. With a small amount of strength Ryan brought his fist into contact with Lucas's cheek. It was a shock to the Texan so he slipped his grip from around his neck and Ryan fell to the floor. Whilst Lucas was recovering from the punch Ryan grabbed Maya
"Where's my daughter?!!" He shouted in her face

"She's not your daughter!" Maya snapped back

"She's mine" Lucas growled, standing up and grabbing Ryan by the collar of his shirt and the waist band of his trousers. He walked through the open door and threw Ryan out of the front door. He watched his body fall down the stairs. Curly up tightly to avoid more bruises. Maya's staff were all standing at the bottom of the stair case.

Lucas heard Maya hiccup and he ran into the living room. Slowing his breathing down when he saw his girlfriend standing in the middle of the living room. Her yes fixated on the white rug. There was small patches of blood on the fluffy material.

Lucas placed his hands on both sides of her face, forcing her to look up at her.
"I love you Maya Okay? I love you so much and he's not gonna hurt you I promise" Lucas spoke quickly. He looked over to see London standing behind the glass of the double doors, tears in her eyes as she watched her mom slowly fall apart.

Maya collapsed into Lucas's arms
" I can't do it anymore" she cried softly " I can't spend the rest of my life scared that he's gonna come back" the tears falling down her face faster, her breathing getting heavier, "Lucas it's not safe for you with me, I love you and don't want you to get hurt again"

Lucas pulled Maya away from him, placing his hands on the side of her face "I am always going to be here to protect you, I am gonna spend the rest of my life protecting you, so I'm not going anywhere because I can't live with out you Maya. all I wanna do is be with you and have a family with you. If he comes back he is not gonna go anywhere near you again.

I'm gonna marry you Maya, because you are the most perfect person. Your smart and adorable, the most gorgeous person I've met and I love your daughter like she's my own, I'm sorry that she has that rat for a father, but he's not going to ever hurt her because she's my princess and I need you both in my life, so I'm not going anywhere" Lucas moved his thumb over the tears falling down Maya's face "let's do this again" he breathed.

Lucas got down on one knee and held Maya's small hand in his "Maya Penelope Hart, will you make me the happier man alive and become my wife?" He questioned and Maya nodded with a smile. Lucas stood up and leaned down to give her a kiss and she pulled back.

He gave her a confused look and she wiped the side of his lips, Lucas looked down to see blood on her thumb.
"Oh shit I'm sorry" he panicked and ran over to the mirror, Maya giggled and walked over to London, picking up her crying baby and holding her in her arms.

"Has he gone?" she cried and Maya slowly swayed side to side "yes baby don't worry"
"I want daddy" she cried.

Maya looked up at Lucas and handed London to him, pecking his lips quickly and giving her daughter and kiss on the head. She walked into the kitchen and talked to all the guests.

"Shhh it's alright" Lucas whispered, rubbing circles in London's back and she buried her head in his neck. She continued to cry into his shoulder until she finally drifted off to sleep. He placed her down on the sofa and she instantly curled up into a small ball.

When he walked into the kitchen all the guests were gone and Maya was sitting on the island in the kitchen, her legs dangling from the high platform.

Lucas admired his blonde beauty, so effortlessly gorgeous just sitting there daydreaming.

He walked up to her and placed his hands on her hips, giving a quick peck on the lips.
"Let's get married cowboy" she smiled against his lips.


Only a couple more chapters left ❤️



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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2019 ⏰

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