Chapter 2

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Hey everyone, sorry for the wait! I hope you guys like this, please leave your comments below xx

"Thanks for you know... Being here." I whisper out as he kisses into the crook of my neck.

"Anything for you." He murmurs as I hold onto both of his hands now, sighing to myself. I lean back, so our lips brush against each other - there, he places his hand on the side of my face as he goes to connect us together.

"Hey Blondie, I'm going back to her place!" Max cheers from behind us making me pull back, placing my hand on Zayn's chest. He just grunts and glares up at him, his hands leaving mine as he stands himself up properly, clearing his throat.

"That's good Max." I chuckle lightly.

"Wait what?" The girl slurs out. "I thought you were just going to drop me home?"

"Nice going Di Martino." Zayn mutters out with a small smirk.

"B-But I thought you meant-"

"Just... Just don't worry about it. You're cute but that doesn't get you that far. Not with me." She chuckles lightly, walking back with her friends.

"Oh for fucks sakes. It always had to be me." Max grunts, stalking his way back to his gang who were seated around the booth next to Zayn's gang.

I chuckle lightly myself, his little mishap making me feel slightly better about everything.

"God, that kid is an idiot." Zayn huffs, ruffling his hair up.

"I know. I love him for it though." I hum, my head down and lip bitten.

Zayn just sighs in defeat and slumps back into the seat next to me.

"Well so much for that." He murmurs to himself and I couldn't help but to crack out a small smile.

"What's your gang doing here anyway?" I ask, confused as to why two gangs would be hanging out with each other - especially when majority of Zayn's gang hate Declan and everything he's worth.

"I like Declan and if the others have a problem with it then they can hit the road." He shrugs out. "Do you like his gang as well?" I ask, my lip bitten.

"Yeah they're alright - Scar's a great girl and all... Max, yeah not a favourite of his." He murmurs out. "Everyone has an opinion on him Zayn, nobody's perfect." I sigh.

"Says you." He mutters out as I blink a couple of times at the compliment.

I just sigh, biting my lip once more as I try and concentrate on something. Anything.

"So what now Blondie? You really don't look like you're having a good time." He says huskily.

"I can't concentrate Zayn. I'm sorry." I huff in defeat, my head tilted to the side.

"Do you want to leave then? Come back to my place or something?" He offers lightly, an eyebrow raised.

I just smile to myself. "I'm still going through a breakup. I don't think I'd be doing anyone a favour if I did that." I sigh.

"Oh no, we don't have to do that. I mean... If you change your mind then that's cool. I do have the decency to give you space Blondie." He chuckles lightly making me smile.

"So what did you have in mind?" I ask, my lip bitten.

"Well you could stay the night. We could talk things out or not even talk at all if you really desire that?" He suggests.

"Yeah... I might take you up on that offer. If I'm honest, I don't think Max would be sober enough to get me home." I chuckle lightly as he nods.

"I'll let them know I'm going home early. Come on." He nods, holding out his hand for me to hold. I happily take his hand with mine, walking my way over to the table which had all of the men who had such a passion for terrorising Bradford.

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