Chapter 26

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Hi everyone, I hope you guys like this chapter.

Still can't get over we're at chapter 26... Btw, your comments are so funny and sweet and I just wish I could dedicate the chapter to all of you! So sorry for all these cliff-hangers though, but as you know in LOTR and ATD, I liked to leave a fair few there as well hehe. Xx

"Harry, you better be joking." I huff as I look down, placing my hand on the handles of the bike - twisting them lightly.

He snorts to himself causing me to sigh. "I shot the gun." He chuckles out.

"Why Harry?" I suspire, shaking my head. "Thought I saw like a rat or something. I don't do rats." He breathes out huskily. "Alright, whatever - you gave me heart attack." I get out, shaking my head.

"You're so fun to toy with Blondie," He gets out and I can almost see the smirk on his face. Always loves to stir shit - even at the worst of times.

"Where are you anyways?" He asks me.

"Erm, near the alleyway on the street that leads up to the track." I explain as I play around with my hands. "Who's around you?" He asks.

"James is down the other end and Max is circling around the streets." I nod as I adjust my helmet. "Alright. Malik wants us to all meet him at the beginning of the track soon - tell the others to head off now." He sighs.

"Yeah I will - catch you around mate. Be safe." I smile lightly as I get off of the bike, scurrying my way to James who was sitting in his car. I knocked on the glass causing him to jump slightly, giving me a smile as he opened the door up for me.

I got into the passenger seat and gave him a nod. "We're leaving now." I explain to him.

"I-I can't go through with this Niall," He gets out as he shakes his head. "You know that - right? I could lose my job for even associating with Zayn." He grunts.

"It'll be fine." I nod. "I promise."

"B-But what does he expect me to do? Kill someone? I can't do that-"

"He just wants you to be there to protect the others. S'what gangs are about." I say giving hima small smile.

"Alright... so should I just follow your bike?" He asks me, tilting his head to the side as he looks down at the weapon in his hand. "Just follow my bike." I confirm. "You're going to do great."

"You know, not even you're confident with this." He chuckles out causing me to smile. "Yeah well, I can have faith in my own boyfriend right? He's saved my ass almost too many times." I shrug watching him flinch lightly.

I sigh to myself, shaking my head. "Look, I don't want to be on bad terms with you James." I get out. "But Zayn's just - he's just possessive and likes to flaunt what he has I guess." I shrug.

"Yeah, I get it." He sighs. "You two make a nice pair. I can tell you're really happy with him." He huffs.

"I am happy with him. More than happy in fact. I just don't want things to be weird between us." I sigh, biting my lip.

"Things aren't weird around us. You're with him and I'm with someone else." He suspires. "We've both totally moved on." He nods.

"Indeed I have. It's just Zayn gets to the worst of things when he shouldn't. I recommend that you don't piss him off. It'll send him off of the edge." I chuckle as I shake my head.

"Yeah I will. Thanks for the erm, heads up." He smiles lightly.

"No worries. I'll catch you down at the track." I nod to him as I step out of the car, sighing to myself as I spot Max down the other end of the alleyway - where my bike is parked. I make my way down to him, seeing that he was leant up against the wall - a cigarette wedged out of the corner of his mouth.

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