chapter 7

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Luca P.O.V
It took us 30 minutes to arrive at the towns local park from Antonio house. When we found parking, I got out of the car to grab the stroller from the boot when I finished opening the stroller up, I went to grab Lucy because Antonio had already grabbed Lucien from his car seat and was ready to put him in the stroller. When we put the twins in the stroller we went and looked for a bench where we could talk and i could still see the twins playing "out you get" I said to the twins unbuckling them "go and play but stay where daddy can see you okay" I asked them "okay daddy I'll make sure Lucy stays where you can see her" Lucien told me running after his sister " so what do you have to tell me" I asked him sitting on the bench where I could see the twins playing "don't freak out when you learn what a Donna is and what it means to some very powerful and dangerous people" he told me sitting across from me " why would I freak out" I asked him " because in Italy its commonly know as the head family's lover" he explained ( i dont know if it true or not but in the story it is) 'what the hell dose that mean' I thought a bit afraid " what does that mean for Lucy and Lucien" I asked " because i don't care what happens to me, but if my children are affected by it, I will leave and you will never see me again" i told him " No, Lucien and lucy will not be affected by it, and if by any chance that they where to be affected by you being with me, I will give you wherever you need to live and keep them safe, even if it means I have to loose you during the progress" Antonio said looking me in the eyes, and I could see the sincerity that he'll do whatever it takes to keep Lucy and Lucien safe and for that it made me fall for him. " so if i do agree to what kind of shit will me and the twins have to see,hear and do" i asked " none of the illegal dealings my family do ever comes into my house, and if it does it's manly just Riley and a few other people i trust, making arrangements that they have to run by me that they can't do at Conti corporation ,and every few weeks the company will hold a dinner party that we all have to attend because as the CEO i will attend it and you will come because you are my fiance and with everything else is normaly at the safe house where everyone lives" he said " but there will be time where we will have to stay at the safe house, if there is a slight disagreement with another family or i will have to stay to figure out some business that I'll be pissed about and wouldnt want you and the twins to be around me" he told me " what about the woman that came with your parents" I asked him " my parents are going to have to put up with me being with another man then any woman" he said " and Hannah is going back to where she came from by tomorrow morning" he told me " and will you and your father end up arguing over it and, if so you can just drop me and the twins at coles and come pick us up after, I call you so you have some time to cool down before the twins see you anger" I told him " we can do that since I don't want you or the twins to see me after I have had a fight with my father" he said grabbing my hands and bringing them up to his lips to them " daddy daddy" I heard Lucy scream from the slide. I got up as fast as i could and ran over to see Lucien on top of another boy " Lucien" I said to him " yes daddy" he replied to me getting off of the other boy " what are you doing" I asked him " nofing just ticking up for Lulu"he explained to me "and, why did you have to stick up for Lucy" I asked him "because, he was calling Lulu ugly and made her cry" he said pointing at the other boy, that's when I noticed that Lucy was crying ,but when I was about to go over and comfort my little girl,the mother of the other boy who made my little girl cry was picking up her son and came up to me " what is wrong with your child"she asked me"nothing" I told her " well there is something wrong with because,normal children don't just push another child and hold them to the ground like your son did to mine, but I would not be surprised that the child is uncontrollable with a parent so young" she told me " my son is not uncontrollable he was just sticking up for his sister,who your son made cry" I told her pointing at Lucy who was now being comforted by Antonio "no wonder that the child is so messed up, a teenage father that's with another man" the woman said , you could hear the distain in her voice " there is nothing wrong with a man being with another man, is the 21st century" I said to te woman picking up Lucien and walking over to Antonio and just to piss of the woman I kissed him "you should be ashamed of your selves, kissing in public" the woman shouted at us " I'm not ashamed to kiss another man in public and, I would rather go to hell and be with the one I love then be in heaven and be miserable" Antonio said coldly to the woman, unknown to us someone was recording us "hey do you and Lucien want to go shopping with me" I asked Lucy " yes please" she replied "okay let's get you two in the car" I said to them " can you grab the stroller and my bag please " I asked Antonio"sure" he said walking over to the bench we were sitting at " okay you two lets go" I said to them grabbing their hands walking to the car, once we got to the car I buckled the twins in and waited for Antonio to show up with the stroller and my bag. I opened the boot when Antonio got to the car, so I could help him put the stroller in, when everything was packed away in the car we were on our way to Coles. The store was a five minute drive from the park "can you wait with the twins while I find a double seater trolley please" I asked him " yeah " " thank you" I told him getting out of the car to look for a trolley. When I found a trolley, I went back to the car " thanks for keeping them preoccupied" I told him, kissing him on the cheek " no problem, they're cruisie kids" he told me looking at the twins "use this" he said, getting a credit card or of his wallet, " you don't have to, you have already paid for Lucy and Lucien things , and I still have the money I was going to use for the toys" I told him "and I said save it for yourself to get the thing you want with it, not spend it on food, so take it and go" he said to putting Lucy in the trolley " okay I'll take it but on one condition" I said to him " what's the condition" he asked me bit suspicious " you have to accept wherever me and the twins get for you as a thank you gift" i told him getting Lucien out of his car seat and putting him in the trolley "okay,fine" he said even if his voice didn't sound like he was happy about me spending money on him, he walked to the boot getting my bag out of it "thank you" i said, grabbing the bag from him, putting it on he trolley handle " the pins 4615 now I have to get going" he said "okay I'll call you when we're finished" I told him " and try not to break anything when talking to your father" I said "no promises" he said getting into the car " come on you two we better get in there" I said to Lucien and Lucy, pushing them to the store's entrance "now you two can get one treat that you can have while we are in there. So what do you want  " I asked them "lollipop" Lucien said " kinder surprise egg "Lucy said "okay what flavor lollipop do you want" I asked him "strawberry an cream" he said 'okay get two of each because they will want what the other has' I thought to myself grabbing two of each and taking them to the check out lady "just this four"she asked "yeah,it will keep them busy and happy while I'm shopping" I told her "5 dollars please" she said "here you go" I said giving her the coins I keep in my bag for things like this "here is your receipt, have a nice day" "you too" I said giving the twins their lollies, hiding the other kinder surprise egg and lollipop in my bag " you guys okay with opening you treats" I asked them "yes"Lucy said " no daddy can you help please" Lucien asked handing me his lollipop "okay" I said getting his lollipop,opening it and giving it back to him "thank you" he said putting it in his mouth "here we go" I said to myself walking back into the store.

AN Sorry I haven't up loaded in a while I have had a writer block

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