chapter 8

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Luca P.O.V 'Okay snacks for the twins and dinner for the six of us' I thought to myself walking down an aisle, it had teas, coffees, sugar and hot drinks I grabbed marlo and strawberry nez quick for the twins and, I also grabbed my favourite brand of tea and coffee.

I want to the next aisle it was the candy aisle, I went down the aisle and grabbed the twin's favourite chocolate/candy and grabbed a block of Cadbury caramel chocolate for myself, and then went to the next aisle, I grabbed popcorn, potato chips, LCM bars and nut bars for all of us after I grabbed everything I needed.

I went to the fresh butcher's area, because when I was making breakfast I didn't see a lot of dinner and lunch meals that was not frozen meals and cereal. When I got to the butcher area 'okay I need to get 1kg of beef mince, half a kilo of pork belly,1kg of sausages, 1kg of skinless chicken breast, 1kg of diced pork and  1kg of diced beef' I thought to myself " what can I get you" the lady asked "can I get 1kg of beef mince, half a kilo of pork belly,1kg of sausages please" I asked the lady "okay" she replied getting everything I asked for "anything else" she asked "yeah can I also get 1kg of skinless chicken breast, 1 kg of diced pork and 1kg of diced beef please "I told her "coming right up love" she said "thank you" I said to her when she handed me the rest of the meat I asked for, putting the meat in the trolley.

I then went to the fruit and veg section "what do you guys want" I asked the twins "apples" "bananas" they replied with " okay apples and bananas it is" I said to the twins. Grabbing the apples and bananas, also grabbing oranges, strawberries, mandarins. I also grabbed potatoes, carrots, tomatoes, cauliflower, pumpkin, lettuce, broccoli, cucumber and zucchini. 

I then grabbed everything I needed to make homemade Napoletana sauce, Chinese BBQ sauce and chicken curry mild I then grabbed Maggi Devilled Sausages Recipe Base and 2 kg of white rice, then I grabbed 2 minute noodles and easy mac and a few other flavoured pastas and rice.

I went to the dairy section and grabbed butter, milk, cheese and yogurt and a few other thing including a hot roast chicken before going to the checkout lady.

After everything was scanned "that comes to 765 dollars and 80 cents, cash or card" she said "card please" I told her "okay ready to go" she said letting me know I could put the card in the machine once I put in the pin it took a few seconds for it to be approved and told me to remove the card " thank you for shopping at Coles, have a good day" she said "you too" I told her walking out of the store "daddy I want lollipop" Lucy said " I want a kinder surprise egg" Lucien asked me "here you go" I told them getting the other lollipop and kinder surprise egg giving it to them "is that the time" I said to myself when I checked my phone. 

It was already 12:30 we had been shopping for an hour and a half "do you want to go back to Antonio house" I asked the twins "yes please" Lucien said "me tired" Lucy told me leaning on Lucien shoulder "okay Antonio's it is" I said going to my contacts to call Antonio. it rang a couple of times before he answered "hello" he said "hey Antonio" I replied "yeah Luca, do you want me to come and pick you up" he asked "only if you're not busy" I told him " okay I'll  be there in twenty" he said "thank you" I told him hanging up "Antonio will be here soon, then when we get home I cook us lunch and then we can watch a movie" I told the twins " okay daddy" Lucien said going back to his lollipop with Lucy still on his shoulder, When Antonio got here, I put the twins in their car-seat, after Lucy and Lucien were in their car-seats I started to help put the shopping bags in the boot.

After everything was in the car we got in the front seat put our seat belts on and went back to Antonio's house " hey Antonio " I said " yeah Luca" he replied with his eyes still on the road " is Hannah still at the house" I asked him , looking out the window " yes, but her flight back to new York is going to leave at 4" he said to me " how is she getting to the airport" I asked "my father is dropping her off" he said turning into his drive way "okay" I said to him getting out of the car when it stopped.

"out you get" I told Lucy unbuckling her seat belt "okay" she tiredly said getting out of the car, walking over to Lucien side of the car " out you get too mister" I said unbuckling his seat belt "yup" he said getting out of the car and going over to Antonio to ask to help bring in the light shopping "can I help you" he asked him "sure you can buddy" Antonio said giving him the easy mac " thank you for picking us up" I thanked him "no problem, but you don't have to thank me" he said.

"yes I do, because of you I don't have to worry about how much stuff I could put in the twins stroller" I told him picking up Lucy " why would you have to worry" he asked me confused "because neither of my parents could be bothered to take me to the shops in their cars , so I had to take public transport or walk to the shop" I told him shrugging my shoulders walking inside to put Lucy on the couch then walked back outside to help Antonio and Lucien bring in the food.

After everything was put away I went into the lounge room to ask Lucien and Lucy what they wanted for lunch "what do you two want for lunch" I asked them kissing them on their forehead " noodles" they both replied with " okay coming right up" I told them walking into the kitchen and grabbing 1 big microwave safe bowl and 2 packet of chicken 2 minute noodles, after I finished making it I split it into 2 plastic bowl, I called the twins into the dining room ad helped them get in their chairs so they could eat. when they finished their lunch they went back into the lounge room to continue to watch sponge bob square pants.

I started to clean up their mess, after everything was cleaned up, I went to look for Antonio to ask him what he wanted to have for lunch, I searched the house until I found him in his study with him reading some papers " how do you want anything to eat" I asked him walking in to the study "sure" replied with putting the documents down " I was thinking of having hot chicken sandwiches with the hot chicken I got at Coles" I said to him "that will do" he said getting back to reading "okay what do you want on it" I asked him "chicken, mayo, cheese, lettuce and tomato" he replied with not looking up from the documents "do you want me to bring it in here" I asked him "please" he said "okay I will bring it up when I'm finished " I said walking out of his study and going past the lounge room to see both Lucy and Lucien had fallen asleep, I picked up Lucy taking her to the room she slept in last night, putting her on one side of the bed then walked back to the lounge room to pick up Lucien to bring him to the room Lucy was in.

When I got there Hannah was in there looking at Lucy"get out" I harshly whispered to her putting Lucien next to Lucy and then tucked them both in, then went to talk to Hannah "why were you looking at my sleeping daughter" I questioned her "just wanted to see why Antonio would pick a child like you over me' she spat at me "because I don't see nothing but a gold digger with 2 toddler" she said "why don't you ask him because I don't know why he took me and my children but I'm thankful that he did" I told her looking into the room where my babies were sleeping in, then I turned to Hannah "but don't ever repeat those words again near my children" I told her walking to the kitchen to start making mine and Antonio lunch it took me ten minutes to do it.

I grabbed the sandwich that I made for us and walked to Antonio study, I knocked twice "come in" he called out, I walked in "what took you so long" he asked me looking up "Lucy and Lucien fell sleep so I put them in the room they were in last night, hope you don't mind" I explained to him "that's fine" he said "but when I went to put Lucien in the room, I found Hannah in the room looking at Lucy, so I told her to get out , and after I tucked them in I asked her why she was looking at my daughter "I said to him "she said she wanted to know why you choose a gold digger child with 2 toddler over her" I concluded "I'm sorry you have to put up with this shit when I just got you out of a horribly situation just to put you in another one" he sneered getting out of his chair and walking over tome "it's fine I don't really care about what she says about me, but she spoke them in front of my children" I spat wrapping my arms around his waist when he pulled me to him "it's not fine she shouldn't have spoken ill about you in the first place" he hissed walking us to his chair, sitting down he lifted me to his lap "my father might have told her that she was going to be the next Donna, but that doesn't give her the right to speak ill about the person I choose to be my wife and my Donna" he grumbled rubbing my hips "taking a deep breath to control his anger "you don't have to be angry about it " I told him but I think that angered him because his grip tighten "I hate that your use to this" he snarled kissing me

To be continued

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