(Rin Matsuoka) I'm Coming Back for You

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A/n: Hello and welcome to my first Free! oneshot :D I have a lot of ideas in my mind so expect a good amount of oneshots coming!

It's been more than a month and I'm still not over the Eternal Summer finale... UGH.

Anyway, here's the basics.

(F/n) (L/n) = First name and last name

(e/c) = eye color

(h/c) = hair color

(f/c) = favorite color

(f/d) = favorite drink

Also, for this particular oneshot This text means that they're speaking in Japanese. It'll make sense when you read on. (Also, I hope you don't mind being an Australian surfer, it just came in mind).



He was coming back. He's going to come back and visit!

I pressed my cell phone close to my chest, a wide grin grazing my face. I had just gotten a text from her mother that Rin Matsuoka, the Japanese boy we had taken in before, will be coming back to Australia with his friend. "Oi, Instructor (F/n), what's with the face?"

I glanced back at my class in surprise. How did I forget that I was in the middle of surfing lessons? I stare at the ten people I was helping today and shot them an apologetic grin. "Oh, uh, sorry. My friend is coming back to visit. I'm just excited," I explained to the curious people. I shuffled my feet in the sand before saying, "Don't mind it! Let's get back into the water, alright?"

"Aww, but (F/n)," my friend Naomi, who I was also teaching, quipped so suddenly, "Isn't that Rin? Don't you want to go home and get yourself all pretty for him?"

I instantly glared at her.

Ok, I may have developed a crush on Rin. It was silly since I had lived with him for a couple years until he decided to go back to Japan. It was just... He was really something else. We both had a dream that we were determined to reach. He being an Olympic swimmer while me being a professional surfer. We bonded instantly once learning we had dreams concerning water.

I was supposed to see him as only a brother, since my parents had become his parents. But no, I had to have these feelings for the redheaded boy. I was always there for him. He was depressed, I knew that for sure. My parents and I tried our best to keep him happy... In a way, we succeeded but it wasn't enough for him to keep going on his dream.

I never told Rin about my feelings for him, even recently when we would text and call on our free time... Telling my friend was a mistake. "Naomi, shut it or you're not going into the water," I hissed at her, causing some of my students to chuckle at the scene. Thankfully, she did but continued to shoot me suggestive glimpses from time to time for the rest of our lesson.

By the end, the sun was beginning to set, casting a beautiful array of warm colors across the sky, making the ocean glisten magnificently. My students left, saying their goodbyes as they dispersed. I walked over to the shack of beach supplies and placed my surfboard inside along with the one Naomi rented. "So you're excited, huh?" The honey haired girl asked me while I locked up the shack and we began walking to our neighborhood.

"Of course I'm excited, Nao. I haven't seen him in years," I replied as memories played through in my mind.

"He was such an awkward kid though. I remember the day when he first introduced himself in our class. His accent was hilarious!" Naomi chortled. I gave her a good smack on the head, making her yelp in response.

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