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haejin's cellphone buzzed in her pocket without a warning which made her jolt in her seat. the book that was in her hands closed after making sure to bookmarked the page she was on. she pulled out her phone and noticed a text coming from an unknown number.

xxx-xxx-xxx : hello haejin-ssi

her eyebrow raised at the text.

khj : hi, who is this?

xxx-xxx-xxx : wonwoo, we meet a couple days ago

haejin smiled at the text before wondering from whom does the pretty-eyed man got her number. it must've been from taeyong. she quickly change the contact name from unknown to his initials.

khj : ah wonwoo-ssi to what do i owe the pleasure of talking to you?

jww : nothing, i seem to enjoy your company

khj : is that so?

what game is he playing at? she thought.

jww : if i were to ask you out for a lunch date, would you accept?

haejin pondered for a second. on one hand, she wouldn't mind spending an evening with the man and on the other, she worries about taeyong's reaction if she does. but then again, taeyong seems to be trusting of him with her so it wouldn't be such a big of a deal for him. it took her a couple minutes to think before she types out a reply.

khj : how can i not accept? i would love to go out for a lunch date with you

the typing bubble pops up and her heart raced, anticipating what his reply would be. god, she feels like a lovesick high school girl.

jww : perfect, tell me when i can pick you up

her lips grew wide into a smile. she feels so giddy, it was a feeling she never felt before.

khj : see you then, wonwoo-ssi

jww : i'll see you then, haejin-ssi

haejin threw her phone onto her bed and her head fell into the palm of her hands. her body feels hot and she kinda hated it. haejin thought she got over the feeling of having a crush back in high school but she definitely thought wrong as she's about to enrol into college and she's lowkey having a crush on a man who she just met a couple days prior. she fanned herself with her hands and hopped off the bed, deciding to take a shower to cool off before getting ready for her first date after months of getting roped into the mafia world.

her anxiety began to rise as she held the hair dryer in her hand. the warm heat blew through her locks until it was completely dry. a comb sifts through her hair as she decided to keep her hair pin straight. after countless minutes of trying on clothes to see which one fits the hot weather and at least appealing to the aristocrat's eyes and the flashing cameras of paparazzis, she finally settled on a sangria red, linen summer dress that's flattering to her figure and has a material comfortable enough to wear in the summer heat. she kept her makeup minimal and glowy to avoid it melting in the heat and tarnished by her sweat. she finished her look with a black pair of modernised mary janes flats and she was ready to take on the world.

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