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"do you have anything planned?" she said, chewing on a piece of gum while she sat prettily on the mafia boss's leather chair. taeyong let out a scoff as he began pinning up some papers on his terrorisation board.

"you're not going anywhere near this my love." he replied nonchalantly. he turned around and put his hands in his pocket, walking towards the girl.

"i'm not letting you on the field with no training whatsoever." he continued, grabbing her hands and lifting her up from his chair before kissing it.

"i can handle myself well." she replied with a defensive tone while he chuckled again.

"i know you are. but it's not enough." he looked into her eyes and she return the gaze with a piercing one.

"cute." he muttered under his breath. "come on love." he said before the two left the office hand in hand.

everyone had already left the mansion to go do reconnaissance except for those who works in information technology, taeil and his trainee, renjun. they were situated in the top most floor of the mansion in a designated room filled with the latest version of gadgets and technologies that were military grade, obtained illegally from various countries thanks to taeyong's connections.

the two ended up in the basement where there was an interrogation room, a containment room and also, you guessed it, the training room where the members trained with hand to hand combat and shooting.

"usually i would have jaehyun trained you but since he's not here, i guess i'm filling in." he said as they entered the room. the room was filled with different sorts of weapons. you name it, knives, shivs, blades and guns ranging from hand pistols to a machine guns and even a precise sharpshooting guns. one might be terrified to see the weapon line up but haejin was just intrigued. the anxiety revolving the whole situation was dying down after the breakdown she had at home earlier.

"what a lucky girl i am huh?" she said and walked closer towards the shivs lineup. her fingers trace the wooden handles on the shivs before taeyong managed to sneak up on her, putting her in a headlock and place his fist towards her lumbar spine, emanating a weapon being stabbed in it.

"first rule of a fight. never keep your guard down." he whispered into her ear. haejin eased out of his grip, grabbing his arm tightly she threw it behind her. she turned, facing him before aiming for his ribs and grabbed both of his arms, turning him before her left forearm was held tightly against his throat. both of his arms are pinned tightly on his chest, being held by her free arm.

"i can say the same to you mr. lee." she smirked and whisper sweetly into his ears. she finally loosened her grip on his neck. the mafia boss, smirked in victory.

"we're off to a good start." he said and she smirked in return, in triumphant.

the next two hours was spent by taeyong teaching his queen the basic of hand to hand combat. haejin managed to catch him off guard several times and completely bested him. but, nonetheless, he is still the master of combat practices so she did ended up panting and limply laying on the ground, bruises covering her barely clothed torso.

"tired?" he questioned. he was limping as the result of the combat practice to grab two water bottles from the refreshment area of the room. he walked towards the girl, extending his arms towards her before it was grabbed and she was pulled up so she was at least standing on ground.

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