>>>|Avoiding him|<<<

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I love you guys!!!💗💙💚💛

Now this chapter gets a teensy weensy steamy, hope you enjoy it!☺

Chapter 40●

" You, you love it how I move you

You love it how I touch you

My one, when all is said and done

You'll believe God is a woman💕 "



F**k, stop thinking about her!!!

This shit was harder than I thought. It was so hard to stop thinking about her and after she saw me butt naked, it's become even harder.

I tried everything to get her out of my head and at one point even thought I'll eventually forget her after a week or so but unfortunately, I'm still waiting for that day.

I still don't know why she's stuck in my head. Like I would be doing some of my work then all of a sudden, my mind would go to Camila and I wonder what she was doing. I couldn't even focus on the damn meeting I attended, which was very important, because my mind keep going to her.

And Ethan isn't making things better! I would be busy doing work and then a message would pop all a sudden and when I' go to check it, you know,to see if it's any important messages but it's none of that! It's just some pictures that Ethan took with Camila and send it to me through his phone, that I had got him for his birthday.

He keeps doing this almost every day. He would sneakily take a picture of her reading a book or watching TV, without her even noticing and write a caption before sending it to me and I would have these weird feelings inside of me when I looked at her picture.

I seriously don't know how she' so beautiful but it keeps surprising me. It's like she's gets more beautiful every day and it just surprises me that someone could be so beautiful as her.

But I didn't like what Ethan do. I have a feeling that he'd trying to set me up with her but I just push the thought away. And I don't know why I still let him send me pictures of her when I hate it. I think some thing is wrong with me...


My phone notification suddenly went off and I opened my phone to see a message from Ethan. I sigh, shaking my head but even though I knew I didn't like him doing that, I still couldn't resist to see her face so I opened it.

My heart instantly burts, looking at the picture he had send me. And then I felt the familiar feeling again. My heart drumming in my chest, my mind exploded with thoughts of her and a small smile making it's way to my lips. Camila was in the kitchen cooking. Her hair in the little, messy bun ,that looks cute on her. Her face looking beautiful as ever and she looked so focused on cooking. I wonder how Ethan gets to take pictures of her without her noticing...

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